Mic-UK Page Hits for contibutors

For contributors of Micscape Magazine and Mic-UK resources

The last 6 months of 1999

To see your page hits this century Year 2000 : Just click here!

Return to Associates Index Page by clicking here!

Last year... (July 1999 to Jan 12th 2000)
Please Wait for the complete page to load including all records (several thousand) - it might take a few minutes!
But then you can search all page and images on Mic-UK and determine how often they are visited!
Pretty useful stuff so worth waiting a few minutes to take a detailed look!



How to use this resource 
This is an experimental page for associates, friends, and colleagues of Mic-UK and Micscape. If you have contributed to our informal, but powerful association based on "Trust", you might wish to monitor the number of hits on the page you have published in our collective space in this public arena called the Internet. 


To find the hits on your page or image in the period identified just below the title, you need to click on the radio button as indicated by 1), then type in the filename of your article in the search box indicated by 2).  You do not have to put in the filename suffix (.html or .gif or .jpg) but if you do - it helps!

Let's say your page was called : jpeyes.html 

Make sure the correct radio box is clicked on first. 
Enter: jpeyes.html  in the search text box and then click on FINDFIRST. 

If the record is found, you will see the number of hits (visits) it had in the period specified at the top of the page. 

If the record is not found - you may have entered a wrong address or maybe the hits are quite low so it is not recorded in the database. 

You can alway use the arrow buttons to click through all the page hits currently being recorded. 
 You should be able to click on the  little button to the left of red web site addres and goto the page- but this feature does not seem to work!

Revision soon - still experimenting - Email me for help, Mol 
(This looks like an automated operation but some manual work is involved my end to keep it working, so be patient... please) 

Micscape Magazine