Mol Smith (Micscape & Microscopy-UK)

See interview from June 2003 
"I can't think of any more questions right now so before we end the interview - is there anything you would like to add here?"  "Yup. See below."


Since my original interview back in 2003, much has changed about the internet and the way it can convey information.

The future remains unclear at where it will lead  to and who will ultimately control the information herein. One thing is certain: it's here to stay. But us human beings... well, we are mortal so we can only do somuch for so long. Many people who considered the very secret of life, the way it shapes our reality, contributed so uch and then, now... have passed on.

I will do too. Pass away.

But I leave a single message for any intrepid and committed mind which reads my words here now. It is a single notion...

"Where is truth?"

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