A few of Mol's Microscopy-related videos

I thought you might like to see some of Mol's video. Most of these are embedded in various articles in Micscape Magazine. I have only included a few of his related to microscopy. You can see more of his movies and those of his colleagues in the Mic-UK movie section. If you would like to give Mol some feedback or need to contact him, please email Mol!

 Movies movies movies movies movies movies movies

A fly You'd rather not know what this fly is eating!
Resistant Hair louse A hair louse finding it hard to walk when not on a hair shaft.
Body Louse A mature body louse full up on blood. Mol had to feed this one to keep him alive!
Head Louse An unusual shot he took of a hair louse I had on me.
Dust Mite A very good close-up of a dustmite he filmed with the help our friend Wim.


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