Incredible Gallery of  Dennis Kunkel - SEM*  Expert  extraordinaire : a mini gallery on  Mic-UK   
   SEM  = Scanning Electron Microscope 

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Dennis Kunkel Ph.D. is an award-winning photomicrographer whose images appear worldwide in print, film, and electronic media. He has permitted us to display a small and growing sample of his enormous work here on our site. Dennis received technical training in specialized microscopies* while earning his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Washington in Seattle. In the course of his studies, and during the research career that followed, Dennis's skill as a microscopist allowed him to make significant contributions in the fields of botany, microbiology and neurobiology more...




 All images are copyright of  © Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc. 1995 and onwards. All rights reserved. All rights of linking to, or using these images, must be agreed with the copyright Owner! Any infringement will be located and fines charged.


Algae & Protozoa


Arachnids & Animal


Bacteria, Viruses, Plants


Medical &Human




Explore the amazing world of algae and sinngle cell animals under an expert's SEM. From Diatoms to Rotifers.

Discover the incredible world of 8 legged micro animals and look at them like never before.

Bacteria - not always desease makers but here are many that are, captured by Dennis Kunkel.

The SEM is a powerful tool is medical investigation, as Dennis shows here with these images.

Insects contribute far greater bio mass to the planet than humans. Dennis provides a closer look at them here.







Pubic Louse




3D fresh water diatom frustule



3D Red Spider Mite - Europe



3D E-Coli on human skin.



3D Human Pubic Louse



3D Mosquito
on human skin




Dino flagellates




Leaf Stomata


Tape Worm


This one will show a virtual 3D version.
{c} Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc

3D Dinoflagellate



This one will show a virtual 3D version.
{c} Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc

3D Varroa



This one will show a virtual 3D version.
{c} Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc

3D Leaf Stomata



This one will show a virtual 3D version.
{c} Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc

3D Tape Worm



This one will show a virtual 3D version.
{c} Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc

3D GiantWater Bug



 All images are copyright of © Dennis Kunkel Microscopy. Inc. 1995 and onwards. All rights reserved. All rights of linking to, or using, these images must be agreed with the copyright Owner! Any infringement will be located and fines charged.