By Ian Walker  UK.

The following pictures were taken on a Nikon Coolpix 4500 digicam together with a Zeiss microscope and objectives plus Leitz Periplan 6.3X, 10X eyepieces.

*Note that all of the pictures have been post edited with Photoshop Elements to improve contrast and definition and the magnification shown for each image refers to those seen through the eyepiece not taking into account the final image size*


The slides in order of the images shown in the article.



Central image at 63X, outer images at 250X.

The central image shows a slide by an unknown mounter, not dated, of eight nicely arranged Amphitetras antediluviana diatoms and on the outside, colour phase contrast images of two of the diatoms.



      Both at 400X.

Actinoptychus solisi from Conset, Barbados, mounted in 1953 by an unknown mounter, on the right, the same image in phase contrast.




   Both at 250X.

An excellent clear slide from A. C. Cole, not dated, of fossil Coscinodiscus coucavus diatoms fom Bolivia, on the right, the same image in phase contrast.



On the left, Monopsia corrugata from Singilevo, Russia, mounted by R. Gosden in 1974, 250X.

In the middle Cestodiscus from Conset, Barbados, unknown mounter, mounted in 1952, 250X.

On the right, Cocconeis reinholdii Hendey from Java AP.9, mounted by R. Gosden in 1972, 400X.




Fossil diatom, Surirella baldjikii Norman from Castel, Hungary mounted by E. C. P. Bone in 1962.

Comments to the author, Ian Walker, are welcomed.

the end.


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Published in the April 2003 edition of Micscape Magazine.

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