genus Amphileptus by Jim Evarts, USA |
The following two photomicrographs were taken by me using the water I collected from a local lake. I believe they are of the Amphileptus species and thought their behaviour unusual. The upper image shows the three protozoa joined in fission and conjugation. The lower image shows one that has separated from the fission stage. I would appreciate any reader's opinion about this observation as I'm not really sure what the images are showing.
The images were made using my Leitz Ortholux scope with my electronic flash and green filter. I used my Zeiss 25X phase objective and 8X ocular.
Comments by e-mail are welcomed to Jim Evarts.
Upper and lower image described above.
Additional images
The image of the Amphileptus below was made at the same time
the protozoa broke loose from the fission stage
The Paramecium below was in the same water as the
Amphileptus from the lake in Bellmore town.
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