MICSCAPE REVIEW by Frank Rowntree


by Brian Bracegirdle.

Royal Microscopical Society Handbook Number 31.
BIOS Publishers 1994 105pp. Illus. £14.00. ISBN 1 872748 49 X.

The RMS Handbook series provides state of the art reviews of a wide range of aspects of microscopical science.

None are for the intellectually fainthearted but none the less provide a useful introduction and an overview for both amateur and experienced microscopists alike. This volume is one of the more complex and assumes a fair amount of knowledge on the part of the reader no quarter being given by way of platitude or partially effective short cut.

The author writes as he is, plain and straight spoken and uncompromisingly scientific. He first defines terms and concepts going on to consider equipment and setups, work with transmitted and reflected light and the exposure and recording of the image. He includes the whole spectrum of recording from drawing to electronic imagery.

There is an enormous amount of useful advice on the equipment of photomacrography written with the authority of one highly experienced in the field. Sources of equipment and its adaptation are also dealt with in a useful way making this a very helpful book for anyone thinking of establishing a photomacrographic facility.

For existing users this is a very interesting book which will well justify itself for the number of hints, tips and tricks included. It is a must too for any microscopist or photographer who seeks to work in the macrographic dimension.

F St D Rowntree

Editor's Note: The publisher's address is BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd., 9 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE. UK. Or in the US, PO Box 405, Herndon, VA 0605-20172.


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