® Micscape Magazine Article


by Maurice Smith. (Page 3 of 3)

Creating a home for Amateur Microscopy
Many clubs exist in different countries which cater for the needs of amateur microscopists. Yet alone and divided, they are able to do very little to promote public awareness and help others get started. Microscopy UK is here to help form a common focal point for everyone interested in amateur microscopy and related study areas.

We maintain a monthly online magazine and also publish an amateur paper magazine, called ® Micscape, which contains articles published on our web site to help inform people with no internet services. We are a small team made up of individuals from different countries. We are still funded poorly. But what we lack in size and wealth, we make up for in our enthusiasm and desire to help others.

More formal help
It is a sad indictment of the educational system in many countries today, that focus on biology and the use of a microscope in this area, has diminished - especially in the pre-college institutions. We do have an educational section but - at this time - it is still somewhat limited in design and content. We would like to help students and teachers by offering more support in this area. Let us know what you need us to supply on our site to help and we will attempt to expand the educational section to suit.

Many people who become interested in amateur microscopy when young, may move on into professional microscopy. We welcome these people to help, to drop by and comment, and hopefully give a nod of approval at our relaxed and open approach.

Some clubs have semi-professional status and much expertise exists amongst their members. We would advise early contact and membership to one of these clubs for anyone seriously interested in following a career related to microscopical study and research.

Big site: big heart!
Our place on the web spans several locations across different servers. And its getting bigger all the time as we add more information. The best access point is through our front page where branches to the various sections can be accessed. Several software tools are available from other parties to help you pull down our pages for off-line reading. As we investigate their usefulness, we will try and advise you of where to get these from to help you enjoy our site more.

We answer all email. Our pages are littered with contact points. You can write to any of the people involved with the work here and expect to receive a human, helpful reply. We aim to make friends with you and invite you to become friends of ours. We lack arrogance. We are humble and ordinary folk, so please contact us without intimidation or worry. We don't care if you are 6 years old or 106 years old, we appreciate all contact with others and invite you to offer help, contributions, tips, hints, images, articles to us for sharing with others around the world. Our names are published on our front screen.

Amateur help
In the coming months, we aim to produce more and more articles and information designed to take someone who has never encountered microscopy and show them how to get up and running. Step by step, we will cover every aspect of purchasing a microscope, preparing specimen slides, and the use of various techniques to enhance amateur study. We are delighted to swap information between other amateurs, to include details and contact points of clubs around the world so new people can find more support locally.

Armchair amateurs
You are welcome and invited to do no more than explore the microscopical world from the comfort of your chair via our pages. But to enjoy this area of interest most, it is far better to actually look at things first hand with a magnifying glass or by using a microscope yourself. We see our site as a means to support real 'hands-on' amateur microscopy and hope to encourage you to give it a go. If you wish to get started and want further advice on how to begin, contact one of us directly by email by clicking on any contact link in our pages. Why not start to get to know us a bit more, now. or... explore our site!


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