A brief contribution to 3D photography

by Robert Sturm, Salzburg (Austria)




As I could demonstrate in a contribution previously published in Micscape, embryogenesis of Orthopteran insects such as grasshoppers or crickets is commonly characterized by a multiplicity of developmental stages. As shown in the sketch below, embryonic development of the Orthoptera (in the concrete case: Locusta migratoria) commonly starts with the fertilized oocyte (= egg cell), which undergoes an extensive process of cell division. This procedure results in the production of a multiplicity of new cells, which subsequently grow and differentiate into those organs needed for the next developmental stage. The embryogenesis of insects represents a specificity insofar as early egg cleavage only involves nuclear subdivisions, which are not accompanied by respective partitions of the cytoplasm. This phenomenon is commonly known as so-called syncytial or superficial cleavage. The first terminus is derived from the fact that cells containing a high number of nuclei form a syncytium. The second terminus indicates the fact that this specific development mainly takes place near the surface of the egg cell.


After extensive formation of several thousand cell nuclei, these cellular compartments are subjected to a migration process, during which they move towards the egg periphery and produce a layer containing a multitude of cell-like structures (energids). Among scientists this layer is known as blastoderm, which itself may be subdivided into the germ band or ventral plate, the initial stage of the embryonic body, and the serosa forming the yolk sac. The germ band defines the origin of the embryonic body and is subsequently subjected to an extensive process of differentiation, which results in the mapping out of the fundamental body plan of the insect. The germ band undergoes a continuous enlargement, in the course of which the three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) are formed. From these histological units different insect organs emerge during the essential processes of histogenesis and organogenesis. After completion of tissue and organ development, the differentiated embryo undergoes a procedure of intense stretching, muscle contraction, and uptake of gas into the tracheoles. The final stage of embryonic development is characterized by the hatching process, where the animal comes out of the egg.



If we take a closer look to hemimetabolous insects, where a nymph stage is intercalated between embryonic and adult phase, all developmental stages described above are significantly marked by a process called blastokinesis. Here, the organism is subjected to rotational and translational movement during its growth. As illustrated in the figure at the left, blastokinesis of the migratory locust distinguishes itself by a displacement of the embryonic head from the back pole to the front pole of the egg. In other words, the embryo executes a 180° rotation within its very limited space. In the case of the house cricket and the field crickets (e.g., black field cricket) the germ band has already the right orientation, and blastokinesis takes a complex course with temporary submersion of the embryo into the yolk sac.







Single stages of the embryonic development of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria: A-C: superficial cleavage and development of the blastoderm, D-F: development of the germ band and germ layers, G-I: development of the fundamental body plan and blastokinesis, J-L: re-orientation of the embryo, development of the amnion, and final differentiation of the body.



Photography of cricket embryos has to be regarded as a special challenge in several respects: In the normal case the egg chorion has no transparency at all, so that under the light microscope only the surface of the egg can be studied, but not its internal structures. In order to overcome this enormous deficit, a special fixation technique has to be applied, which was originally developed by Wolfgang Groepler in the 1980s and produces a partly transparent chorion. Another problem is given by the circumstance that duration of cricket embryogenesis depends on a multitude of external factors, among which environmental temperature plays a superior role. This means that single developmental stages such as those shown in the illustration above are only accessible under controlled laboratory conditions. (For a detailed description the reader is kindly referred to my papers listed below.) Only by knowing the environmental conditions and the related velocity of embryonic development a complete sequence including all embryonic stages can be sampled from the incubated eggs.  





3D photography of selected embryonic stages (animated images)

After all the theory noted above I have selected four stages of the embryogenesis occurring in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus). From these stages I have produced 3D photographs. I have decided to present the respected images to the interested reader in two different ways: (1) as animated GIFs and (2) as classical anaglyphs that have to be watched with red-green glasses. Animated GIFs generate a three-dimensional effect of the objects by simply simulating their rotation by an angle of several degrees. This can be among other achieved with the help of specific computer software such as PICOLAY developed by Heribert Cypionka. After import of a selected photograph into the working area of the program the user has to export the image to the results window and has to generate a depth map of the recorded object. This step is of immense importance, because based upon this depth map, where weakly illuminated parts are assumed to define the background, whilst highly illuminated parts are more probably placed in the foreground, a stack of images used for the production of the three-dimensional picture is computed. The animated GIF resulting from this procedure can be manipulated in several ways (e.g., change of the rotation angle, modification of the rotation direction), so that it needs some time to obtain optimal results.


p#_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y-1.5_z0.gif      p#_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y-1.5_z0.gif       


p#_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y-1.5_z0.gif      p#_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y-1.5_z0.gif                                          


Animated GIFs of four embryonic stages occurring in the house cricket Acheta domesticus. Upper left: fertilized, largely undifferentiated egg with its homogeneous yolk mass, Upper right: stage J illustrated in the figure above with progressed organization of the thoracic extremities and initial segmentation of the abdomen. Lower left: late stage of embryogenesis (K-L) with completed head, body segments and extremities, but uncompleted back. Lower right: fully differentiated embryo ready to undergo the hatching process.




3D photography of selected embryonic stages (red-green anaglyphs)

At the end of my brief contribution I also want to present red-green anaglyphs of the four embryonic stages described above. In order to obtain the three-dimensional effect the use of red-green glasses, which are available in the World Wide Web or can be produced by oneself after purchase of appropriate colour films, is necessary. With respect to animated GIFs anaglyphs bear the huge advantage that they can be also watched aside of the computer and thus can be used in printed form.


p#recy_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y0_z0.jpg     p#recy_zax40_per0_se1_vie5_x0_y0_z0.jpg             


p#recy_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y0_z0.jpg     p#recy_zax40_per0_se1_vie3_x0_y0_z0.jpg


Red-green anaglyphs of four embryonic stages occurring in the house cricket Acheta domesticus. For an appropriate perception of the three-dimensional effect the use of red-green glasses is necessary.



For all those readers, who are interested in rearing, growth and development of various cricket species, I have listed some of my scientific works published hitherto. You can find free copies of most of them on my Research Gate website.


1.       Sturm, R. (2006). Vom Ei zum Adulttier - Mikroskopische Dokumentation der Keimes und Jugendentwicklung bei ausgewählten Grillenarten. Mikrokosmos, 95, 305–309.

2.       Sturm, R. (2016). Modeling larval growth of various cricket species. Mathematical and Computational Biology, 5, 6.

3.       Sturm, R. (2016). Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 69, 500-504.

4.       Sturm, R. (1999). Einfluß der Temperatur auf die Eibildung und Entwicklung von Acheta domesticus (L.) (Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Linzer biologische Beiträge, 31(2), 731737.

5.       Sturm, R. (2002). Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Embryonal- und Larvalentwicklung bei verschiedenen Grillenarten (Insecta: Orthoptera). Linzer biologische Bei­trä­ge, 34(1), 485502.

6.       Sturm, R. (2003). Längen- und Gewichtsentwicklung der Larven verschiedener Grillenarten (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) vom Zeitpunkt des Ausschlüpfens bis zur Adulthäutung. Linzer biologische Beiträge, 35(1), 487498.

7.       Sturm, R. (2008). Eiproduktion und Oviposition bei der australischen Feldgrille Teleogryllus commodus Walker, 1869: Experimentelle Ergebnisse und Modellrechnungen (Ortho­ptera: Ensifera, Gryllidae).  Entomologische Zeitschrift 118: 41-45.

8.       Sturm, R. & Pohlhammer, K. (2000). Morphology and development of the female accessory sex glands in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Saltatoria: Ensifera: Gryllidae). Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 38, 13–21.

9.       Sturm, R. (2002). Development of the accessory glands in the genital tract of female Teleogryllus commodus WALKER (Insecta, Orthoptera). Arthropod Structure & Development, 31, 231–241.

10.   Sturm, R. (2002). Morphology and ultrastructure of the female accessory sex glands in various crickets (Orthoptera, Saltatoria, Gryllidae). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 49, 185–195.

11.   Sturm, R. (2005). Motoric activity of the receptacular complex in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Entomologische Abhandlungen, 62, 185–192.

12.   Sturm, R. (2008). Morphology and histology of the ductus receptaculi and accessory glands in the reproductive tract of the female cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. Journal of Insect Science, 8, 1–11.

13.   Sturm, R. (2009). Morphology and histology of the reproductive system in females of the black field cricket Teleogryllus commodus Walker 1869 (Insecta: Orthoptera): a drawing study. Linzer biologische Beiträge, 41, 863–879.

14.   Sturm, R. (2012). Morphology and ultrastructure of the accessory glands in the female genital tract of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus.  Journal of Insect Science, 12, 1–11.

15.   Sturm, R. (2016). Morphology and development of the accessory glands in various cricket species. Arthropod Structure & Development, 45, 585–593.

16.   Sturm, R. (2016). Studie eines Insektenorgans mithilfe unterschiedlicher licht- und elektronenmikroskopischer Verfahren. Mikroskopie, 3, 209–219.

17.   Sturm, R. (2003). The spermatophore of the black field cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae): size, structure, and formation. Entomologische Abhandlungen, 61, 227–232.

18.   Sturm, R. (2011). The effect of remating on sperm number in the spermatophores of Teleogryllus commodus (Gryllidae). Invertebrate Biology, 130, 362–367.

19.   Sturm, R. (2014). Comparison of sperm number, spermatophore size, and body size in four cricket species. Journal of Orthoptera Research, 23, 39–47.

20.   Sturm, R. (2010). Experimente zur Nymphenentwicklung der australischen Feldgrille Teleogryllus commodus Walker 1869 (Insecta, Orthoptera). Articulata, 25, 45–57.

21.   Sturm, R. (2006). Computermodell zur Simulation der Eiablage des Heimchens Acheta domesticus (L., 1758). Articulata 21, 25–34.

22.   Sturm, R. (2010). Life time egg production in females of the cricket Teleogryllus commodus Walker 1869 (Insecta: Orthoptera): Experimental results and theoretical predictions. Linzer biologische Beiträge, 42, 803–815.

23.   Sturm, R. (2015) Computer models in entomology: Predicting the daily fecundity of female Acheta domesticus. Mathematical and Computational Biology, 4, 5.

24.   Sturm, R. (2016). Relationship between body size and reproductive capacity in females of the black field cricket (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). Linzer biologische Beiträge, 48, 1823–1834.




All comments to the author Robert Sturm are welcomed.

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