from LANZAROTE with love

Lichens on a volcanic island

by M. Halit Umar

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You are allowed to visit the National Park and experience the beauty of it only in guided tours. It is the policy that entering the park alone and taking even one small piece of stone with you is strictly forbidden!! Above, you see some people in the group with which I visited the park.


Large cracks and upward movements of the massive volcanic elements.


Stratified characteristic of the lava and a flat, small cave formation are obvious.


When an air bubble is large it produces a large cave just below the surface; the collapse of the ceiling may result in large and also dangerous features. This is one of the reasons why no one is allowed to go into the park alone.


The diameter of this cave is about 4 metres. This is the result of a large air bubble entrapped during the streaming of the molten lava. Now, a part has probably collapsed and we have a small cave here. Please note that large surfaces are yellow.

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