A DIATOMIST’S LIBRARY by David B. Richman, Mesilla Park, New Mexico, USA. |
Due to a number of happy coincidences, the generosity of associates, good finds on the Internet, and chance happenings, I have acquired a fairly extensive specialized library on diatoms. Some of these books were formerly owned by John Stone, a New York diatomist who died some years ago. Others (mostly more modern) I have acquired separately through various commercial book sellers. After some consideration I thought I would present this annotated list as a bibliography that might be of use to amateur diatomists, as I know such lists have been for me. I am including some photos of the more antique volumes and their contents.
Comments to the author, David Richman, are welcomed.
Part of the Diatom Library
Bach, K., and B. Burkhardt (eds). 1984. Diatoms I: Shells in Nature and Technics. University of Stuttgart, IL No. 28. Interesting discourse on the structure of diatom frustules with some astonishing photographs and drawings.
Barber, H. G., and E. Y. Haworth. 1981. A guide to the morphology of the diatom frustule. Freshwater Biological Association, UK. This is a fantastic little volume, with lots of details about the structure of diatoms. Unfortunately it has become very expensive.
Benson, C. E., and S. R. Rushforth. 1975. The algal flora of Huntington Canyon, Utah, USA. Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 18. A good start on the general algal flora in the Southwest U.S., including diatoms.
Boyer, C. S. 1916. The Diatomaceae of Philadelphia and Vicinity. J. B. Lippencott, Philadelphia. An old classic by an American diatomist.
Brodie, J., and J. Lewis. Unraveling the algae: the past, present and future of algal systematics. 2007. CRC, Boca Raton, Florida. An up to date treatment of algal systematics. Diatoms get two chapters.
Brun, J. and J. Tempére. 1889. Diatomées Fossiles du Japon. Charles Schuchardt, Geneva. An interesting antique volume by two classic diatomists.
Canter-Lund, H., and J. W. G. Lund. 1995. Freshwater algae: Their microscopic world explored. Biopress International, Bristol, UK. Just a wonderful book, with a number of color photos of all algae, including diatoms, as well as their enemies.
Carter, J. R., and A. E. Bailey-Watts. 1981. A taxonomic study of diatoms from standing freshwaters in Shetland. Nova Hedwigia, 33. One in a number of late 20th Century monographs.
Castracane, F. 1886 (reprint 1966). The Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger: Botany: Report on the Diatoms. J. Cramer, Germany. A classic from the first real oceanographic expedition.
Cholnoky, B. J. 1968. Die Oecologie der Diatomeen. J. Cramer, Germany. A very good book if you read German.
Cleve, P. T. 1883. Diatoms collected during the Expedition of the Vega. No publisher listed. Another, and rarer, volume from an oceanographic voyage.
Cleve, P. T. 1894-1896. (Reprint 1965). Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms. A. Asher and Co., Amsterdam. Another classic, in this case dealing with naviculoid forms.
Cleve-Euler, Astrid. 1951. (Reprint 1968.) Die Diatomeen von Schweden und Finnland. Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 5. A huge volume with many illustrations.
Cox, E. J. 1996. Identification of freshwater diatoms from live material. Chapman and Hall, London. A really good volume for identifying living materials.
Cupp, E. E. 1943. Marine plankton diatoms of the West Coast of North America. Bull. Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, 5,No. 1. A minor review of marine diatoms of the West Coast.
Czarnecki, D. B., and D. W. Blinn. 1978. Diatoms of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park and vicinity (Diatoms of Southwestern USA. II.) Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 38. Another good volume on Southwest U.S. diatoms.
Deby, J. 1891, Analysis of the Diatomaceous Genus Campylodiscus. Privately published, London. A classic study of a very strange genus.
Desikachary, T. V. and P. M. Sreelatha. 1989. Oamaru Diatoms. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 19. A wonderful volume on a remarkable fossil flora from New Zealand.
Edwards, A. R. 1991. The Oamaru Diatomite. New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin 64. A more site-descriptive volume, it also contains a selected atlas of the forms from the area.
Foged, N. 1953. Diatoms from West Greenland. Meddelesel om Grønland Bn. 147, Nr. 10. This, and the following, are a series of geographic monographs by Foged.
Foged, N. 1955. Diatoms from Peary Land, north Greenland. Meddelesel om Grønland Bn. 128, Nr. 7.
Foged, N. 1958. The diatoms in the basalt area and adjoining areas of Archean rock in West Greenland. Meddelesel om Grønland Bn. 156, No. 4.
Foged, N. 1959. Diatoms from Afghanistan. Biologiske Skrifter, Bn. 11, Nr. 1.
Foged, N. 1964. Freshwater Diatoms from Spitsbergen. Universitetforlaget, Tromsö/Oslo.
Foged, N. 1966. Freshwater diatoms from Ghana. Biologiske Skrifter, Bn. 15, Nr. 1.
Foged, N. 1981. Diatoms in Alaska. Bibliotheca Phycologica, bn. 53.
Foged, N. 1985. Diatoms in Samos, a Greek Island in the Aegean. This and the next publication both in Bibliotheca Diatomologica, bn. 11.
Foged, N. 1985. Diatoms in Kos and Kalymnos, two Greek Islands in the Aegean.
Foged, N. 1986. Diatoms in Gambia. This and the next publication in Bibliotheca Diatomologica, bn. 12.
Foged, N. 1986. Diatoms in the Volo Bay Greece.
Fricke, F. 1902. Verzeichnis der in A. Schmidt’s Atlas der Diatomaceenkunde. Tafel 1-240 (Serie I-V). O. R. Reisland, Leipzig. Interesting slim volume, of use if you have the earlier parts of the Schmidt Atlas.
Gasse, F. 1986. East African diatoms: Taxonomy, ecological distribution. Another geographic paper. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, bn. 11.
Gleser, S. I., A. P. Jousé, I. V. Markarova, A. I. Proschkina-Lavrenko, V. S. Sheshukova-Poretzkaja (eds.). 1974. The diatoms of the USSR: Fossil and recent. (in Russian). Nauka, Leningrad. This is a very good reference to Russian diatoms simply because of the many illustrations.
Griffith, J. W., and A. Henrey. 1883. Micrographic Dictionary. John Van Voorst, London. A book on general microscopy, but has 4 plus (one partial) plates of diatoms.
Hanna, G. D. 1927. Cretaceous diatoms from California. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 13. Fossil diatoms from their earliest period.
Hanna, G. D., and W. M. Grant. 1926. Miocene marine diatoms from Maria Madre, Island, Mexico. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th Series, 15, No. 2. A classic paper on a classic fossil site.
Hasle, G. R. 1964. Nitzschia and Fragilariopsis species studied in the light and electron microscopes: I. Some marine species of the groups Nitzschiella and Lanceolatae. Skrifter Utgittau det Norshe Videnscaps-Academi, Oslo. One of a series on these two genera.
Hasle, G. R. 1965. Nitzschia and Fragilariopsis species studied in the light and electron microscopes: II. The group Pseudonitzschia. Universitensforlaget, Oslo.
Hasle, G. R. 1965. Nitzschia and Fragilariopsis species studied in the light and electron microscopes: III. The genus Fragilariopsis. Universitensforlaget, Oslo.
Heiberg, P. A. C. 1863. De Danske Diatomeer. Wilhelm Priors Forlag, Kjøbehavn. Another early classic. Plates (see below) a bit washed out, but readable.
Hein, M. K. 1990. Flora of Adak Island, Alaska: Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms). Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 21. Still another flora.
Hendry, N. I. 1964. An Introductory Account of the Smaller Algae of British Coastal Waters. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Fishery Investigation series IV. London. Another geographic book with a number of nice plates.
Hernández-Becerril, D. U. 1991. The morphology and taxonomy of species of the diatom genus Asteromphalus Ehr. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 23. A taxonomic revision of a weird genus.
Héribaud Joseph, 1902. Les Diatomées Fossiles d’Auvergne. Clermont-Ferrand, Paris. A little-known fairly early work on fossil diatoms.
Homann, Marion. 1991. Die Diatomeen der Fur-Formation (Alttertiär, Limfjord/Dänemark). Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, Heft 123, Hanover. The monograph on Jutland fossil diatoms.
Hoover, Richard B. 1976. Inventory of the original typical collection of the Reverend William Smith. Henri Van Heurck Museum, Antwerp. A catalog of a diatom collection.
Hustedt, Fr. 1930. Bacillariophyta (Diatomeen) in die Süsswasserflora Mitteleuropa. Verlag von Gustau Fischer, Jena. A solid book, but a bit dated.
Hustedt, Fr. 1959. Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Österrichs und der Schweiz. Akademische Verlagsgesellschrift, Leipzig. Gigantic review of Central European diatoms.
Juggins, S. 1992. Diatoms in the Thames Estuary, England: Ecology, Palaeoecology, and salinity transfer functions. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 25. Another geographic paper.
Kemp, K. No date. Klaus D. Kemp’s diatom database v 2.20. CD. This is an invaluable collection of images and descriptions from numerous old sources by a maker of modern classic diatom slides.
Krammer, K. 1982. Valve morphology in the genus Cymbella C. A. Agardh. Micromorphology of Diatom Valves, Vol. XI. A neat study of the frustule structure in Cymbella.
Krammer, K. 1992. Pinnularia: eine Monographie der europäischen Taxa. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 27. A nice recent taxonomic monograph.
Krammer, K., and H. Lange-Bertalot. 1985. Naviculaceae: Neue und wenig bekannte Taxa, neue Kombinationen und Synonyme sowie Bemarkungen zu einigen Gattungen.
Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 9. A collection of taxonomic notes and illustrations of the members of this common family.
Krammer, K., and H. Lange-Bertalot. 1986, 1988, 1991. Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa: Bacillariophyceae, Vols. 1-4. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. Fantastic four volume set with many illustrations, recently reprinted.
Lange-Bertalot, H. 1993. 85 Neue Taxa und über 100 weitere neu definerte Taxa ergaenzend zur Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa Vol. 2/1-4. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 27. A supplement to the above set.
La Rivers, I. 1978. Algae of the western Great Basin. Bioresources Center, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada System, Publication 50008. Another volume on the Southwest U.S., but with more genera.
Lefébrure, P. 1947. Atlas pour la détermination des Diatomées. Laboratorie de Micrographie, Paris. An interesting work on the identification of diatoms.
Leuduger-Fortmorel, Dr. 1876. Catalogue des Diatomées de l’ile Ceylan. No publication data. A classic, but little-known, work on the diatoms of Sri Lanka.
Mann, A. 1925. Marine diatoms of the Philippine Islands. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum Bulletin 100, Washington, D. C. Another geographic work.
McLaughlin, R. B., and J. L. Stone. 1986. Some late Pleistocene diatoms of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Nova Hedwigia, Heft 82. A good, well-illustrated study on Alaskan fossil species.
Meister, Fr. 1912. Die Kieselalgen der Schweiz. Verlag von K. J. Wyss, Bern. Another large geographic monograph. Well illustrated.
O'Meara, M. A. 1875. Report on the Irish Diatomaceae. Proceedings of the Irish Royal Academy. A classic work on Irish diatoms.
Patrick, R., and C. W. Reimer. 1966, 1975 diatoms of the United States. 1.,
2 part 1. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13. These two volumes were apparently the only ones printed. Another very good idea that was not finished, but the volumes still serve well for the diatoms they do cover. Well illustrated.
Pelletan, J. 1888, 1889. Les Diatomees: Histoire Naturelle, Preparation, Classufication & Description des Principales Especies. Journal de Micrographie, Paris. In two volumes. Another classic.
Peragallo, H, and M. Peragallo. 1897-1908. Diatomees Marines de France et des Districts Maritimes Voisins. 4 vols. Grez- Sur- Loing (S. et M.). A very neat set, with one volume of text and three of plates.
Prescott, G. W. 1978. How to know the freshwater algae, third ed. Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, Iowa. A classic key, if a bit dated, including North American diatoms.
Rattray, J. 1890. A revision of the genus Actinocyclus, Ehrb. Quekett Microscopical Club (no other details). An antique monograph.
Rattray, J. 1890, A Revision of the genus Coscinodiscus, Ehrb., and of some allied genera. Neill and Co., Edinburgh, Scotland. Somewhat difficult to use, this is an interesting volume none the less.
Riaux-Gobin, C., and O. Romero. 2003. Marine Cocconeis Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyceae) species and related taxa from Kerguelen’s Land (Austral Ocean, Indian Sector). Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 47. An interesting genus from a very remote part of the globe.
Round, F., R. M. Crawford, and D. G. Mann. 1990. The diatoms: biology, and morphology of the genera. Cambridge University Press. THE diatom volume from the standpoint of a thorough review of the genera. Recently reprinted in affordable paperback. Many electron micrographs.
Schrader, H. J. 1969. Die Pennaten Diatomeen aus dem Obereozän von Oamaru, Neuseeland. Nova Hedwigia, Heft 28. A review of the pinnate diatoms from Oamaru.
Schoeman, F. R. 1973. A systematical and ecological study of the diatom flora of Lesotho with special reference to the water quality. V. & r. Printers, Pretoria. Another local study. No illustrations of diatoms.
Schoeman, F. R, and V. H. Meaton. 1982. Catalog of recently described diatom taxa from Africa and neighboring islands, 1965-1980. Natural History Water Resources, Pretoria. No illustrations.
Simonsen, R. 1992. The diatom types of Heinrich Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe 1928. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 24. Another list of diatoms from a collection.
Sims, P. A. (ed.) 1996. An atlas of British diatoms. Biopress, Bristol, England. A complete collection of drawing of the British flora with measurements. Pretty useful through the World because of many diatom’s wide distributions.
Smith, G. M. 1950. The fresh-water algae of the United States. McGraw-Hill, New York. An old standard, but still occasionally useful.
Smith, W. 1853-1856. A synopsis of the British Diatomaceae 2 volumes (with two hand-colored front plates). Smith and Beck, London. A classic early study, published just about the time diatoms were recognized as separate from other “infusoria”.
Taylor, F. B. 1929. Notes on diatoms. Guardian Press, Bournemouth. This is a classic- full of interesting data and lore of diatoms. The illustrations are of little use, but the text is fascinating.
Vander Werff, A. 1954, 1978. Diatomeeen van Nederland. Publisher not named. Two volumes. Another huge treatise.
Van Heurck, H. 1880-1881, 1885. Synopsis des Diatomees de Belgique. (two volumes of plates, one of text). Edite par l’auteor, Anvers. Still another antique flora.
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (reprint 1962). A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Wheldon and Wesley and Verlag J. Cramer. Another classic, it is still useful, although very dated.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1964. Miocene non-marine diatoms from the Yakima Region in south central Washington. Nova Hedwigia. Another work on fossil diatoms.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1967. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part I. Acanthoceros through Bacillaria. This and the following seven volumes consist of a major catalog of the diatoms into the late 1970s. All were printer by J. Cramer.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1968. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part II. Bacteriastrum through Coscinodiscus.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1969. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part III. Coscinophaena through Fibula.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1971. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part IV. Fragilaria through Naunema.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1975. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part V.Navicula.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1978. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part VI. Neidium through Rhoicosigma.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1978. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part VII. Rhoicosphenia through Zygoceros.
VanLandingham, S. L. 1978. Catalogue of the Fossil and recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (Through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonymy Addendum, Corrections, Additions.
Vinyard, W. C. 1979. Diatoms of North America. Mad River Press, Eureka, California. A very useful (and cheap) little volume that should be on every beginner’s shelf.
Von Schönfeldt, H. 1907. Diatomaceae Germaniae: Die Deutschen Diatomeen des Süsswassers ind des Brackwassers. Theodor Oswald Weigel, Leipzig. Over 300 figures on 19 plates.
Vyverman, W. 1991. Diatoms from Papua New Guinea. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 22. Another geographic work.
Wehr, J. D., and R. G. Sheath. 2003. Freshwater Algae of North America. Academic Press. An up to date treatment of all freshwater algae, including diatoms, from North America.
Weissflog, E.? 1888. Diatomeentafeln zusammengestelt fur einige Freunde. Privately published. Another classic publication on diatoms.
Wendker, S. 1990. Untersuchungen zur subfossilen und rezenten Diatomeenflora des Schlei-Ästaurs (Ostsee). Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 21. Another treatment of fossil diatoms.
Werner, D. (ed.). 1977. The biology of diatoms. University of California Press, Berkeley. The classic biology volume.
Williams, D. M. 1988. An illustrated catalog of the type specimens in the Greville diatom herbarium. Bulletin of the British museum, 18 (1).Another catalog of a major collection, this time illustrated.
Witkowski, A. 1994. Recent and fossil diatom flora of the Gulf of Gdansk, Southern Baltic Sea. Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 28. Another geographical treatment.
Wolle, F. 1894. Diatomaceae of North America. Comenius Press, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. A good synopsis, but most, if not all of the illustrations were certainly borrowed.
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