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Time-lapse studies

by Jean-Marie Cavanihac, France

and Edward Kinsman, USA 


Last month's article has prompted two contributors to send and share some excellent examples.

Comments to the contributors are welcomed. (If your web browser isn't set-up for e-mailing by clicking the links below, just highlight and copy the address into your standard e-mail software).

Edward Kinsman has many years experience of time-lapse techniques and has created sequences in a variety of formats. The image right shows a stunning 'animated gif' (477 kbytes) of an adult cicada hatching.

Edward writes: The total duration of the shot is 45 min, that makes each frame about 8 min. The cicada hatches about sunset the last week of August and the first week of September here in upstate NY.
The animal spends its larval state eating sap from various species of pine trees - the larva are sticky to touch due to being covered with the sap.
The hatched cicada will crawl up the tree a few feet to let its wings dry - a process that takes about three hours. During the drying process the cicada goes from a soft white body to a black and dark green body.

Edward's web site http://www.sciencephotography.com includes an excellent introduction to time-lapse techniques using film, video and image capture and the web site includes many marvellous examples.

Edward Kinsman.

Note that you need to allow time for it to fully download before the animation works correctly.
Jean-Marie Cavanihac used a time lapse interval of 30 seconds to capture this very effective sequence of a simple subject; marine salt crystallising.

Click on the still to start the video (mpeg format, 396 kbytes).

Jean-Marie Cavanihac.


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Published in September 2000 Micscape Magazine.

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