Micscape - Main Articles Library / Issue archive

Updated monthly. Last update February 13th 2025.

View the current Micscape issue for the latest articles.

What's in this library?

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To find an article: 

Click on a category of interest from the tables below.

A list of authors can be found in the contributor index.

To browse a past monthly issue, Nov. 1995 to present: Micscape past issues online (read articles online using the original illustrated index for each month)

Search site's entire content  New feature July 2009. Much more powerful than original search feature. Compiled by Maurice Smith.



Major Overviews and Resources
(Close down the new browser window that opens to return here.)

Categories - alphabetical
Click on a link to show all articles in category
Use back button or link to return here.
Overviews to hobby and microscope. For intro's on other topics see specific category.
Biology - general
Classification, invertebrates and structure, shells, micropalaeontology etc.
Biographies / Obituaries Botany
Plant biology, flowering and non-flowering plants, fungi.
New species.
history, old slides, meetings, people, technology, general science etc.
Insects - lice, fleas, bees, wasps, ants, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies etc. Marine
'Forams', radiolaria, diatoms, invertebrates, sand.
Models/makers - current and historical, portables, optics, queries etc. Foldscope resources.
Pond life
Overviews, virtual pond dip, introduction to major groups, genus/species specific articles
Popular / off-beat
Bugs, beasties, thought provoking.
Books, software.
Spiders and mites
Also other arthropods
Techniques - various
Projects, Open University microscope mods, collecting and observation tips etc.
Techniques - lighting (recategorised)
Darkfield, phase, incident, polar, oblique and COL, LEDsFluorescence / Autofluorescence, DIC etc.
Techniques - microtechnique
Slide and specimen preparation, lab. equipment etc.
Techniques - photomicrography using a film camera Techniques - digital & video imaging
Macro and microscopy.
Micscape Lite Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, students' annual macro course articles

These are free resources offered by voluntary administrators and contributors. However, if any regular user is interested in making a small online contribution to help cover the Microscopy-UK / Micscape web site running costs, please click here to learn more. Thanks!

Microscopy UK Front Page
Micscape Magazine

It's not intended to scroll below. Please select a category from table above.

This library contains material published in Micscape Magazine, the monthly magazine of Microscopy-UK, from November 1995 to date.

The resources cover various aspects of the 'miniature world' whether microscopic or macroscopic, both natural and manmade, contributed by optical microscopy enthusiasts and naturalists.

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Articles for the beginner

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Biology - general

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Biographies / Obituaries

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Botany - plant biology, flowering and non-flowering plants, fungi etc

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Marine - diatoms, radiolaria, foraminifera, other marine life, sand





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Microscopy UK Front Page
Micscape Magazine

© Microscopy-UK / Micscape and their contributors.
Please report any errors to the Micscape Magazine Editor 
via the contact on current magazine index.
Micscape Magazine is the free monthly web magazine of Microscopy-UK.

© Onview.net Ltd, Microscopy-UK, and all contributors 1995 onwards. All rights reserved.