I have prepared another detailed article about parasites. This month I present the biology of trematode flukes. Some of the adaptations co-evolved with their hosts are almost unimaginable. I present these animated GIFs here as an example. Press the play triangle if you see one and are connected to the internet. The pulsating bands of color in the snails’ antennae are juvenile stages of a trematode. An explanation is on page 39 of my article.
Leucochloridium paradoxum broodsacs infesting Succinea putris land snail photo Guilles San Martín
This GIF is at reanimateobjects.tumblr.com/tagged/Leucochloridiidae
If the GIF animations don’t play, see Leocochloridium at allyouneedisbiology, Wired or YouTube
Ed Ward, Micscape, June 2024