A Virtual Pond Dip

Note: If visiting this page directly, it is designed to be used with the virtual dip in the jar of pond water.


Paramecium (single-celled)


paramecium.gif (1621 bytes)



Further details:

Name (genus) : Paramecium

Size : 60 - 300 µm

Where to find them : Plankton and amongst organic matter.

Notes : One of the larger singe-celled pond animals. Many protozoa are very small, but the larger Paramecium can just be seen as a speck swimming in pond water. A compound microscope at 40X - 100X should show more detail if you can catch one with an eye dropper and place it on a slide.

The older text books called them 'slipper animalcules' as with careful study under a microscope they do look like a slipper. The Paramecium is often used as one of the classic examples of a protozoan and are widely illustrated in biology textbooks.

Classification :
Kingdom Protoctista, Phylum Ciliophora

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