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 Story Line  Images  Sounds  Special
 The Darkness - Vanessa Summers 1998  Baby - Wim van Egmond 
 Vanessa shots - Larry Legg 
 Egg Contact - Mol Smith
 Furelise - Public Domain 
(New instrument interpretation  
 by Larry Legg)
 Virtual Fallopian Tube Swim  
 (Java Applet) Page 4 
 by Marly Cain
   War Scenes - Mol Smith    
 Visit Wim van Egmond's Web site for stunning 3D graphics!   Visit Marly Cain's Amazing Micronauts for more stunning graphics!
All work is copyright. Unauthorised reproduction in any form is illegal. Please respect our work. 
(c) Vanessa Summers, Larry Legg, Marly Cain, Wim van Egmond, Lightscape Magazine, & Mol Smith 1998
Many thanks to all my talented friends for helping me (Vanessa).
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