Microscopy-UK.org.uk Video HELP

Our own you-tube lookalike video sharing facility is for Microscopy or Macroscopy related videos only.
Videos taken close up using Macro Lenses or through a Microscope are welcome as are videos about
any aspect of Microscolpy or using microscopes and camera to capture elements from the small scale
world. Videos from corporate businesses aimed merely at advertising their company or their products
are not welcome.

Sign up to register
You must sign up to our video service to share your videos. It's painless and free.
Once you receive the confirmation email and follow out the instructions, you can
start loading videos. Always asign your videos to a category. if one does not yet
exist for yours, allocate your video to 'Misc'.

Signing Up
You only need to enter the following and can leave many of the fields blank:
name, password, email address, tick the 'agree' box and enter the security code!

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