Employing Advancing Technology to Enhance Imagery of the Microscopic World
by Mol Smith (Co-founder Mic-UK)

With a left and right stereo pair constructed, it is possible for software to determine views of the subject between the two original perspectives. These additional images can be combined with the original image in a short animation or movie. I used Bas Relief software with the Lenticular option checked to create the additional views. I have used an image created by Brian Johnston, a leading contributor to Micscape Magazine, to demonstrate this. Brian created his original image with the software suite called Mathematica. I have taken his image and created a rough quick greyscale depth map image from it


I have not mapped the spikes on the large object very well and you can see the illusion spoilt. But if you look at the spikes on the closer objects, where I spent a little more time on shading them accurately, you can see the illusion works well.

Creating an accurate depth-map greyscale image can take many hours but once it is done, the images which can be created using it are very powerful.

I spent only 30 minutes on this one.

Here is a smaller version of Brian's image with my depth-map created in Photoshop beneath.

Again I used Bas Relief software to create the 8 views for the short animation on the left.

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