Most of the pictures were taken
through a 10x objective and a 10x ocular , with a resolution of 640 x
480 px. (if there is no contrary
indication in the picture caption). The 480 px side of the pictures
measure exactly 1000 microns.
Darkfield and various Rheimberg filters were used to give more
contrast and definition to the pictures.
EMBRYOS OF PHYSELLA sp. Almost all the freshwater gastropods put their eggs in
jelly-like masses adhered
to different surfaces (stones, leaves and stems of submerged plants).
At the
aquarium they choose generally the glass walls where they are easily
like little discs, in some species, or with a horseshoe shape like in
one shown below.
The picture shows a gelatinous ootheca that contains 90
transparent eggs,
which allows us to easily follow the embryo development. The eggs recently
laid have
a cytoplasm full of yolk and with a big nucleus. In just a short time
egg divides into two cells, soon into four,
8, 16 cells and form at the end a morula,
that is to say, a spherical
and compact mass of more or less spherical cells (of course the name comes from
the similarity of this embryo with the fruit of the Morus sps. trees, the mulberries).
From now on, it is more
difficult to follow the detailed development, because the most
changes happen in the interior of the embryo, and it would need
the aid of
a histologist to identify them.
An interesting detail of the development of the mollusks
is that they start
as “right” and symmetrical, but soon begins a process of
asymmetrization and
torsion of the visceral mass, at the same time that this is being
covered by the
segregated calcareous shell.
The torsion causes the atrophy of the organs in the left
side of the body,
if torsion is to the right, or on the right side if it is to the left.
When growing, the shell follows the helical torsion
process generating the gastropods
characteristic spiral. As is logical, with the growth of each
successive turn
the shell constructs a center axis the “columella”. A beautiful picture
of this
structure is seen in fig. 33.
These are two pictures of other more developed embryos.
In just a short time the little snails begin to move
within the egg, as the
shown in the following animations.
If you look closely at
some of the more sluggish embryos, you can see the beat of the heart of the
Soon they break through the egg’s shell and leave it. The
youthful individuals
are beautiful photogenic subjects.
Peter Abraham .- Stereo X-rays of sea shells
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