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(c) Larry Legg & Ltd 1999 - All rights reserved.

There was another creature, even smaller than the lice moving around down there. It was constantly moving to escape the strong light and we found it difficult to track it properly. 

I wasn't certain what it was... a mite of some kind probably because of its sheer small size. Mol mumered something in my ear and disappeared into Van's bedroom. 
I was so engrossed with tracking the mite, I never heard him return. 


"Dustmites!", he said very loudly. "Your bed's full of them, Larry. I don't think we have to worry about them - they'll do her no real harm. I don't know what's wrong here yet but whatever is affecting her condition - it's  making her worse."

She's awake now!" 

Only when I glanced up from the scope for a second and caught Mol's grimmace out of the corner of my eye, did I ask him: "How's she doing?" 

"You'd better come and see for yourself. It isn't good!", he replied somberly. 
Then I heard it - a silly incoherent stream of words and childish sound coming from the bedroom. We walked in to see Van, trembling, and gurgling like a mad woman! 

It didn't last long. As soon we tried to console her, she collapsed back into feverish sleep... more like a coma than true sleep. 

Before I could stop him, Mol flung back the sheets and stood there peering down intently at Van's naked body. If he had said anything other than what he went and said, I would have decked him there and then as I saw him feeling her breasts and lower body. He looked up at me, paused... and than said - almost in a daze: "She has a rash around her breasts and abdomen - I think I know what's wrong here. Quick, come with me!" 

I followed him into the study and back to the microscope, where he began swapping the samples I had taken from Vanessa. Within minutes - he looked up and said - "I have it! Here take a look..." 
I bent over the scope  
to take another  look!
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 Full Screen by intelligent adults  who might need help!
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(c) Larry Legg & Ltd 1999 - All rights reserved.


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