... and a time to look for Micro-flowers! Page 2 Go to Pages: 1 | 2 | 3

Text by Maurice Smith 1999 Images & Web elements from Images Onview (c) All rights reserved.  

  As I walked across the common (park), the first thing that struck me was - there were no flowers! 

The area was full of trees with blossom, but quite frankly - most of the place was full of nettles, grass, and weeds! Well I guess it is a 'rambling' and 'wild' common but I had never realized how much we probably cultivate flowers... because in the wild - they do not appear to  get much chance of survival against the hardier plants. 

I was slightly disappointed but since I was out to record some images, I thought I would have a close look at the ground to see if there were any interesting insects around. My camera allows for high magnification in the field, so I set it up and took a look through the viewfinder... and was suddenly stunned by what I saw: a beautiful flower filled the frame!

It was then I realized I was staring at a Micro-flower... beautiful blooms so small - that we never notice them! 

I took a few shots then carried on walking but now my eye was noticing what I had missed all along. Where the world had been green and very drab but a few moments before, it was now filled with colour. I discovered many samples of micro-flowers - some I took images of there and then but I also brought a few home to take some digital photos of them with a better camera.

Why not take a look at what I found?


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Published in the August 1999 edition of Micscape Magazine.

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