Micscape 3D title
Exploring the miniature

ISSN 1365 - 070x

Issue 33: July 1998
Next update Aug 13th

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Regular Features and Articles with
Topical News throughout the month

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Image right: Nature's pepper pots? 
See Mosses and Liverworts article. Image by Jan Parmentier.

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Articles this Month
Feature packed summer issue!

New material added July 19th

Finding the chalk makers - Foraminifera are beautiful micro-fossils. Obelia - a fascinating marine organism, illustrated with wonderful images.
Mosses and liverworts - 'simple' plants ideal for the microscope. 'Amerscope' - an older toy projection microscope capable of good results.
Inverted microscopes
- a users first impressions.
Pond-life video - stunning 18 min. video compilation on-line (with link for VivoActive plug-in).
'VanDam' Micscape Epic - multimedia exploration of the Dutch-UK meeting with 'Larry and Vanessa' Poor man's differential interference contrast (DIC): - with the help of image processing software!
Butterfly eggs and other opaque microscopical subjects - attractive subjects for incident lighting. Stilt walker - the remarkable harvestman or daddy-long-legs.
Photomicrography on stamps - attractive examples are used to celebrate various events. UFO: unidentified floating object - can you identify this marine plankton?

Microscopy-UK CD-ROM now available
includes 'Microscope for the PC' software
with all the slidesets, a full year of the best of Micscape,
multimedia and more!


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Please report any errors or offer comment to Dave Walker

About Micscape

Micscape is a non profit-making Magazine for those who wish to look a little closer at the miniature world around us both on a microscopic and macroscopic scale. Contributions from anybody interested in promoting microscopy or the world in close-up to amateurs, novices and students are welcomed.
Micscape is a monthly publication written by amateur microscopists and naturalists from around the world. It is a free magazine for Internet users from Microscopy UK sponsored by several small businesses.
All material in Micscape is copyright of the contributors themselves. You are free to download material for your own use only, or for use in small projects in clubs or schools. No commercial re-publication is allowed without written consent. Return to Top of Page