Logo by Maurice Smith

(ISSN 1365 - 070x)
Exploring the miniature world

Issue 47: September 1999. Next update October 13th.

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Image right: attractive diatoms taken through the Hensoldt Tami portable microscope. 
Image by and © Martin Mach.

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Articles this Month
If you like an article or have comments or suggestions, please contact the author via the email links in each article. Feedback is always appreciated!

Introduction to microscopy - an exciting new suite of pages for the beginner with introductory illustrated articles by Wim van Egmond and Jan Parmentier, Netherlands. Includes links to other Micscape articles.  'Micro flowers' - a new section on the Microscopy UK site to encourage an interest in the smaller flowers we often take for granted. Compiled by Anne Bruce, UK. Please send in your images!
The minimum microscope -an illustrated look at the Hensoldt Tami portable microscope ca. 1920's, which is still a very functional instrument. By Martin Mach, Germany. Guess what's in this jar? - Richard Howey, US takes a humorous look at the perils of mislabelling jars but with a serious message. Includes advice for preserving specimens.
Cleaning and adjusting the Open University McArthur portable microscope- Guido Santacana, Puerto Rico provides a clear description with many illustrations of how to service this amazing microscope. Poppies- an attractive flower when viewed in close-up with plenty of features of interest. By John Garrett, UK.
New microscopy diary pages - Thomas Aungst, US shares some of his recent delightful observations and drawings of freshwater life. Biological polarized light microscopy - cross polarised light can reveal fascinating aspects of live creatures, e.g. the muscles of Daphnia. John Wojtowicz, US shows how.
Freshwater shells - a look at some of the attractive shells large and small that inhabit freshwater. By Helmut Nisters, Austria.  UFO: unidentified floating object - Bill Ells, UK studies the fascinating algae Oedogonium.
Microscopic freshwater crustacea - a superbly illustrated look at some common types of crustacea. By Wim van Egmond, Netherlands. Life in the torrent - a fascinating insight into the aquatic moss Fontinalis, and the invertebrate community it supports. By Bill Amos, US.
Book review: 'The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope'- an attractive and informative book for youngsters, but just as useful for enthusiasts of any age starting out in the hobby. We are delighted to receive contributions small or large, from novice to expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us, to see how we can help share your work.

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Please report any errors or offer general comments to Dave Walker.

About Micscape

Micscape is a non profit-making magazine for those who wish to look a little closer at the miniature world around us both on a microscopic and macroscopic scale. 
Micscape is a monthly publication written by microscopists and naturalists from around the world. It is a free magazine for Internet users from Microscopy UK sponsored by several small businesses.

Contributions from anybody interested in promoting microscopy or the world in close-up to amateurs, novices and students are welcomed.

All material in Micscape is copyright of the contributors themselves. You are free to download material for your own use only, or for use in small projects in clubs or schools. No further distribution or commercial re-publication is allowed without written consent.

Micscape Magazine is published by Onview.net Ltd. Onview.net Ltd assumes all responsibility for legal aspects of this publication and all liability for contributors material and copyright.

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