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Hi there. It's me Vanessa, a bit worse for my experiences but still with my spirit and my heart intact.  To be brutally frank, what happened to me is nothing compared to what happens every day to many people. Misery exists the world over and unless you experience some of the pains and tribulations that befall upon others, you are likely to treat the matter cold-heartedly and objectively, instead of with  human concern and sympathy.  

I hope our honesty here and my courage - despite the humilliation it may cause me in some peoples eyes - helps to inspire you to get help if you need it... or help those who need help. We all need support and a friend sometimes! 

A few folks have written in to request help from us on many issues... and of course - we do try to help. The critical point though is that we must all try to help each other. Many of us have grown cynical and lost our way in understanding that humankind's greatest asset is the ability to pull our entire species onto a path of improvement through our mutual spirit and common goal to survive and prosper.  

Of all the sights and sounds you will ever see, there is nothing more heart-wrenching nor chilling than the distinctive scream or vision of a single person lost in their fears and misery without someone  in the world to hold them and love them in their darkest terror.  

I live in London. If anyone else out there needs help now, I have looked up some contact points and numbers and printed them over on the right there.  

Please, never give up. Whatever the problem - be certain that I am here praying for you and wishing you the strength and courage to win through your crisis. 

You can do it. I know you can! 

If  I can say anything now to help you get through this day or this night - it will be this: - 

Whatever you are going through now, let it become your driving force to make things right for others.  Your anguish, your despair, your pain at injustice and the ignorance of others (or yourself) will become a ladder you will climb. When you reach it's top - as you will - cast no thought of revenge - but empower yourself to aid others from your hard-learnt experience and self-won strength. 

Life is not about 'easy' - it is about overcoming all issues and problems and keeping your love and spirit intact as you do so. Should you doubt my words - know that wherever you go... I have been there! 

I am here - flesh and blood and humble. Weak in body from my own struggle in life - but I never forget where I have been - nor will I ever take life for granted again. It is the ultimate experience and one so full of possibilities once you are prepared to live it!  

(all are confidential services)

Emergency Services:  999 free calls - any phone box - for police, fire, medical, accident  

London Rape Crisis Centre : 0171 837 1600  
(for confidential rape counselling)  

London Women's Aid: 0171 392 2092  
(for women subjected to domestic violence)  

Samaritans: 0171 734 2800 (for people with urgent emotional problems)  
Victim Support: 0171 735 9166 (for victims of crime)  
Narcotics Anonymous: 0171 730 0009 (for drug addicted people)  
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0171 352 3001 (for alcoholics)  
Gamblers Anonymous: 0171 384 3040 (for obsessive gamblers)  

Terence Higgins Trust: 0171 831 0330  
(HIV/AIDS victims and their loved ones and friends)  

Childline: 0800 1111 or 0171 239 1000  
(for children & young people in trouble or danger)  

Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre: 0181 239 1122 (support and advice)  

Just Ask: 0171 628 3380  
(mostly for homeless and under 35 year olds but will help most people with a personal problem)  

AIDS Helpline: 0800 567 123 (For AIDS victims - 10 languages)  

Amnesty International UK : 0171 814 6200 
(advice for people seeking aslyum)  

Release : 0171 729 9904 or 0171 603 8654 after hours 
(free legal advice for anyone arrested by police)  

MIND : 0181 519 2122 info line (mental health charity) - 
( advises on sectioning or maltreatement of mentally ill)  

Reprinted in SOLUTIONS page
in clearer text.

Don't despair - live through it. You can... and you must - if not for yourself - then for me!
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