Logo by Maurice Smith

(ISSN 1365 - 070x)
Exploring the miniature world

Issue 40: February 1999. Next update Mar. 13th.

Scroll down to see Regular Features and Articles with Topical News throughout the month

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Image right: Whole mount of a dragonfly nymph taken with an A4 flat bed scanner. See Topical Tips.

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Articles this Month

The examination of micro- and nannofossils using cellulose lacquer peel techniques - micropaleontology plays an important role in seeking out early life on earth. The first in a series of four articles. Literary aspects of the foraminifera for the amateur microscopist - a brief history of the study of these attractive protozoa and selected literature resource. Illustrated by wonderful arranged mounts of forams.
Bright-eyed singers - a look at the fascinating wolf spider. And how to spot them from fifty feet away in the dark! Marine diatoms from Ibicui beach Rio de Janeiro - the silica shelled diatoms are beautiful algae.
The blow fly - a stunning 3D look at the 'ultimate arthropod machine' and it's adaptations. Can you help identify this pathogen? - A protist found in the brain of a sick green and gold bell frog tadpole, Australia.
Further thoughts on an unusual protozoa - identification of the unusual protozoa query in last month's issue. A simple glycerine jelly heater - plagued by bubbles in glycerine jelly mounts? Here's a simple heater to remove them.
Topical tips 3 - how an A4 flatbed scanner can be used to catalogue microscope slides as well as create digitised images of large whole mounts. Plus an easy to make portable microscope. Ron's image gallery: rotifers - (external link) a beautiful selection of images and notes on some of the common rotifers that can be found. A link to the Light Microscopy Forum.
We are delighted to receive contributions small or large, from novice to expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us, to see how we can help share your work.

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Please report any errors or offer comment to Dave Walker

About Micscape

Micscape is a non profit-making magazine for those who wish to look a little closer at the miniature world around us both on a microscopic and macroscopic scale. 
Micscape is a monthly publication written by microscopists and naturalists from around the world. It is a free magazine for Internet users from Microscopy UK sponsored by several small businesses.

Contributions from anybody interested in promoting microscopy or the world in close-up to amateurs, novices and students are welcomed.

All material in Micscape is copyright of the contributors themselves. You are free to download material for your own use only, or for use in small projects in clubs or schools. No commercial re-publication is allowed without written consent.

Micscape Magazine is published by Onview.net Ltd. Onview.net Ltd assumes all responsibility for legal aspects of this publication and all liability for contributors material and copyright.

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