MICSCAPE - Exploring the miniature world

Issue 255 : June 2017 (ISSN 1365 - 070x) Monthly, next issue July 13th 2017.

Above. Cricket embryo.
Image by Richard Sturm.

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Micscape Contacts
Micscape Editor:
David Walker

parent site coordinator:
Maurice Smith

Please do not contact the above for image permissions. Each article contributor retains the copyright to their material so should be contacted directly via the link in the relevant article. Thank you.

Comments on Micscape and contributions welcomed.
Contributions: Any modern format welcomed i.e. pdf. doc/docx with embedded images, or html + jpegs.

Cricket embryos in 3D. A brief contribution to 3D photography - Richard Sturm (Austria) describes how to photograph this challenging subject.

Chiton teeth - Richard Howey (USA) shares an attractively illustrated essay on some of Nature's toughest structures.

A story of passion, obsession, and shady characters - Carl Hunsinger (USA) shares an engaging essay on how he first became interested in microscopy.

Traveller’s Microscope. Baker’s Traveller’s Microscope / Moginie Traveller’s Microscopes 3rd Edition - R Jordan Kreindler (USA) shares an updated and extensively illustrated survey of this type of microscope co-authored with Yuval Goren (Israel). PDF Update June 15th. The correct article is now linked to.

Epi-polarization part 2: Macro observations, DIY epi-polariscope with a TV screen - Alejandro Ariel Garcia Arriaga (Mexico) continues his studies of how to study birefringent subjects from around the home. PDF

Leptadora - Howard Webb (USA) explores ways of photographing this large waterflea.
Protists of the Top Cut Lake, Eldorado, Victoria, Australia - David G Seamer (Australia) shares further examples of his attractive and detailed drawings of live protists from a selected habitat. PDF

Transmitted or reflected: Oblique epi-illumination - Alejandro Ariel Garcia Arriaga (Mexico) describes and illustrates how to use the objective body to reflect light back onto opaque subjects. PDF

Micscape Review - The new Quekett Microscopical Club (QMC) Journal Archive on a USB flash drive - David Walker (UK) takes a look at the Club's new archive which is excellent value at £10.

Micscape Lite - contributors sharing their other interests

Mindfulness and molecular model making? Using models of carbon structures in the news and ice as examples - Adult colouring books, knitting and other crafts have been associated with the in vogue topic of mindfulness; David Walker (UK) ponders whether making molecular models could be viewed as a similar activity.

    In Focus:
    Wim van Egmond, who is one of our site's major contributors, was invited to present a talk entitled 'A Journey Inside the Micro-world' at TEDx Gateway, Mumbai in December 2016. This has now been shared by the organisers on YouTube. Lasting ca. 9.5 minutes, Wim shares some of his striking video footage of pond life in an engaging way. Well done Wim. It is also the 20th anniversary of Wim's first Micscape contribution and some of the site's most accessed resources have been prepared by Wim i.e. the Micropolitan Museum and the Pond Life ID suite (see links on the lefthand bar).

    Reader's images
    Thank you to Stephen Aston (UK) who shared the attractive images below and writes: "The attached photos are of a fly that flew into our back door today and landed on the wallpaper, so the setting is not as natural as would be preferred but the image quality is OK. ... I live in Sutton Coldfield near to countryside and we currently have 2 colonies of tree bumblebees so this may be associated with them as the larvae are often found near the colonies. I believe this may be a Pellucid Fly Volucella pellucens. Photos taken 04.05.2017". Editor's note. A Panasonic DMC-TZ10 camera was used at ISO 80 with typically 1/80 sec and f3.5. Online resources such as Nature Spot note that this hoverfly is 'one of the largest flies in Britain'.


    We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts whether a novice or expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it!


Look for that elusive article on our site:
Micscape Magazine past issues online
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Contributor index (a list of all Micscape contributors to date)
News - special notices - misc.

External links. Updated June 2016. Below are some of our favourites, which includes sites with extensive links and/or resources for the optical microscopy enthusiast.

External Microscopy forums: Places to discuss the hobby or to raise queries.
forums, galleries, articles on macroscopy and photomicrography.

Yahoo groups: a 'P' denotes current and archived messages are public i.e. not limited to members.
Amateur Microscopy P (started November 2008)
Yahoo Diatom Forum P
Microscope P (>1500 members, very active)
Wild M20 microscope
microcosmo (for Italian speaking enthusiasts)
CombineZ P stacking software forum created by the software's author

Facebook groups:
Amateur Microscopy (>1000 members, very active)

'Forum for marine, freshwater and terrestrial algae'. Access to Archives possible for non-subscribers.
Diatom-L 'Research on the diatom algae.' Access to Archives for subscribers only. Link was current March 2016. Many online diatom resources point to an outdated Indiana Univ. listserver. (With thanks to Rob Kimmich for the current link.)

Mikroskopie-Treff.de (Extensive German microscopy forum; some English categories.)
Mikrobiologische Vereinigung München e. V. Wide range of articles and resources in German.
Le Naturaliste French based forum and image gallery for micro / macro but open to non French speaking international contributors.

Other sites (also see Societies and Clubs page.)
Royal Microscopy Society Journal, 'infocus' and other resources for members and the community.
Quekett Microscopical Club Journal, Bulletin and meetings for members.
Light Microscopy Forum links and articles
Little Imp Publications public domain books collated by Steve Gill formerly on CD and now free on Micscape.
Mikroskop Museum German website with resources on microscopes / makers .
Molecular Expressions awesome optical microscopy resources
Dennis Kunkel's SEM images stunning images
Diatoms Ireland - resource site by Leszek Wolnik
Leitz museum an illustrated resource compiled by Robert Allen
Microbe hunter a free monthly microscopy enthusiast magazine edited by Oliver Kim
Microscopies online magazine and Forum for French speakers
Micrographia articles, projects for the enthusiast
Microscopy Today
journal with online archive
Modern Microscopy
online journal by McCrone Group
Fun Science Gallery projects, articles on optics
Independent Generation of Research (IGoR) - Wiki style resource for citizen scientists to share their work.
G. Couger's microscopy links extensive links
Lens On Leeuwenhoek - extensive resource online by Douglas Anderson
Collected Letters of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek ('Alle de Brieven ..') transcribed and free online at DBNL.
A Cabinet of Curiosities a resource on Victorian microscope slides by Howard Lynk
Klaus Kemp's 'Diatoms' website - offers regional strews and arranged prepared slides of diatoms, an 8 form test slide, radiolaria, insect scales etc and prepares arranged slides on commission.
'Diatoms Ireland' resource by Leszek Wolnik
Historical makers of microscopes and microscope slides Brian Stevenson's extensive resource .
Victorian slide makers
Cambridge rocking microtome resources including manual
www.willemsmicroscope.com Dutch enthusiast Willem Cramer's website
David Jackson's Better Microscopy blog. Regularly updated free resources extending from his 'Better Microscopy' series of books.
Stefano Barone's Diatom Shop
sale of his own prepared and arranged slides of diatoms, radiolaria and forams.

Stefano Barone's 'Microworlds' blog regularly updated blog and diary where Stefano showcases and discusses the typical examples of the slides he has prepared.

Microscopy-UK and Micscape - established 1995
Micscape is a free magazine for enthusiasts funded by Microscopy-UK and dedicated to non-commercial microscopy.
© Onview.net Ltd, Microscopy-UK, and all contributors 1995 onwards. All rights reserved. Main site is at www.microscopy-uk.org.uk