MICSCAPE - Exploring the miniature world Issue 219 - January 2014 : Articles this month (ISSN 1365 - 070x) Updated on 13th of each month. |
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Focus: A Contribution to the Diatom Flora of Leicestershire By Horace G. Barber. (Acrobat pdf format.) Meticulously compiled and presented by Steve Gill who writes on his 'The Amateur Diatomist' suite hosted by Klaus Kemp's www.diatoms.co.uk website: "The next volume of Horace Barber's notes. 178 pages of diatom notes and illustrations. This volume includes further detail of Horace's life and also his notes from the British Diatomists meeting at Malham in 1979. The manuscript for this volume was provided by Horace's son, Alan."
We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts whether a novice or expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us , to see how we can help share your interests. Submission guidelines .