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Microscopes (current and past models, not digital)
- Portable (also see History for none current models)
- PS-150 PocketScope - a new portable single lens microscope for kids Oct.00
- Portable microscopes - a collector describes and illustrates nine favourites Oct.97
- Unusual microscopes: The Elgeet zoom projection microscope. Ingenious, practical and extinct Nov.15
- Lensman - a review of the portable microscope with an innovative design Jan.98
- A tour around the 'Micro-Microscope' Model MM02 - a cleverly designed field / compact model with medium to high magnification, originally designed for Indian students without access to compound microscopes. Aug.05
- Review of the McArthur Microscope Dec.95
- Accessories for the McArthur microscope - as made by Cooke, Troughton and Simms. Sep.02
- Nikon Model H - the ultimate field microscope Jul.97
- Nikon model H revisited - illustrated article by a user. Jan.09
- Cleaning and adjusting the Open University (OU) McArthur portable microscope - a clear description with many illustrations of how to service this amazing microscope. Sep.99
- Simple modifications to the Open University (OU) McArthur portable microscope Sep.00
- Using a white LED in the Open University (OU) McArthur portable microscope - a simple method of providing lighting for this popular microscope. Oct.99
- An unusual microscope - the Otropic. Dec. 96
- The minimum microscope - an illustrated look at the Hensoldt Tami portable microscope ca. 1920's, which is still a very functional instrument. Sep.99
- Hensoldt (Wetzlar) field microscope - a well specified microscope, the author would be interested to hear from readers who can provide more info' on either the maker or this model. Feb.04
- A look through an East German school microscope - Rathenow 'Kleinmikroskop B'Nov.00
- A Spencer student microscope Nov.15
- The Tiyoda MKH field microscope Aug.06
- Microscopy on the move: a look at the Trekker field microscope - an affordable and elegantly designed field microscope with 35x magnification is taken for a 'test hike'. Jun.05
- Trichinoscopes - an illustrated look at interesting microscope designs for checking meat for Trichinella infections. Jul.99
- 30 grams of microscope please! - some portable microscope designs of the late 19th century Aug.00
- The capillary microscope May.00
- Handheld or demonstration microscope - an unusual microscope by C. Zeiss ca. 1900 and still very practical today. Dec.98
- Water droplet microscopes - an historical look at their description and use Mar.98
- Further adventures with a field microscope: Cryptobiotic soil Aug.02
- Eyes on the X-Loupe - experiences of using this very versatile macro adapter for a consumer digicam. Oct.07
- Columbia Instruments' FM 600, a unique US Army field microscope Part 1: Background and development - an in depth article on this microscope and includes both first hand material from the makers, Columbia Instruments, and a video showing aspects of its manufacture. Mar.12
Folded-optics microscopes 1 of 2. The Nm1 (Newton Microscopes): Their Heritage Jul.13- The Nm1 (Newton Microscopes): Part 2 of 2. An in-depth examination and comparison to other folded-optics designs Dec.13
- The Tiyoda MKH Japanese army field microscope of WW-II, and notes on the Tiyoda Optical Co. Sep.14
- My 92 year old travel microscope Jan.18
- Botanic microscopes Mar.19
- Baker’s Traveller’s Microscope / Moginie Traveller’s Microscopes. 4th Edition Sep.19
- Baker’s traveller’s microscope / Moginie traveller’s microscopes 5th edition Feb.22
- Microscope for a field researcher: LOMO MBU-4 modification Dec.19
- Foldscope - reviews and projects
- The Foldscope review: Exploring the construction of a beta test kit, lenses and their optical performance Dec.16
- The Foldscope review: 'Deluxe Individual Kit' - a first look Nov.17
- Projects for the Foldscope: Part I. Understanding single lens microscopy – lens magnification and how to measure Dec.17
- A Foldscopes travelogue in S. E. Asia May18
- Other models /maker specific alphabetical
- The Cycloptic® AO (American optical) CMO stereo microscope Apr.13
- Restoring an AO 120 Microstar Jan.24
- A review of the Accuscope 3015/3016 microscope - the pros and cons of this trinocular biological microscope from a popular USA supplier. Jun.09
- Review. Amscope metallurgical trinocular microscope Jul.15
- Cross-polarization in epi-illumination on the Amscope metallurgical trinocular microscope Aug.15
- The best 'affordable' petrographic microscopes of the 1970s to 1980s Oct.06
- Eight petrographic and student polar microscopes from the golden years - an illustrated survey of commonly found models from major makers. Sep.08
- Review of the Baker Series IV BQ Nov.95
- Baker's traveller's microscopes- an illustrated essay on these versatile field microscopes (Moginie style). (In Acrobat® pdf format.) May11 See second edition, next entry.
- Traveller’s Microscope. Baker’s Traveller’s Microscope / Moginie Traveller’s Microscopes 2nd Edition Feb.17
- Traveller’s Microscope. Baker’s Traveller’s Microscope / Moginie Traveller’s Microscopes 3rd Edition Jun.17
- Mid 20th century Baker - 'an example of an underrated instrument that still has plenty of life and some old fashioned virtues'. Apr.04
- Microscope query: can you help date this Baker stereomicroscope Jul.99
- The impressive Bausch and Lomb research microscope DDE - an intriguing flagship microscope introduced in 1929. Mar.07
- My favorite microscope - the Bausch and Lomb Model W dissecting microscope. Mar.99
- A Bausch and Lomb metallurgical microscope Jul.13
- A Bausch and Lomb Greenough stereo microscope - the renovation of an antique example. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Mar.12
- A Bausch and Lomb research microscope Oct.13
- A Bausch and Lomb Dynoptic microscope Jun.13
- Unusual microscopes. The Bausch & Lomb wide-field tube May.14
- The Beck Diamax microscope. A brief look at one of the last stands made in the UK - a solidly made microscope from one of the last UK manufacturers. Aug.05
- Can you help? - with info' on this attractive microscope inscribed 'Ch. Bianchetti and Cie' of Marseille. Aug.98
- The Bioscope 500 micro projector - describes and illustrates this ca 1950s microscope. (In Acrobat pdf format.) May.12
- Product review: The Bresser Makro-Stand for converting compact binoculars into a stereo microscope - assessment of an example of this popular design and comparison of its performance with a typical laboratory stereo, the Meiji EMZ1. Aug.09
- The 'Britex' microscope - a solid and very usable student microscope popular in UK schools some decades ago. Jun.03
- Review of a Celestron LED microscope Mar.08
- My favourite microscope - the Cooke, Troughton and Simms M2000. 'CTS' were a well known British maker. Sep.98
- Revisitingthe Cooke, Troughton and Simms M2000 phase contrast microscope Apr.22
- The Cooke M25 series microscopes Jun.18
- Investigating the past of a John B Dancer microscope - an owner's research into aspects of the history of a fascinating microscope. Mar.04
- A Flatters and Garnett Microprojector brought back into use - an example of this still useful apparatus which dates from the ca. 1930's. Jun.02
- Frieseke & Hoepfner Microscope. An interesting model from a little-known maker Aug.18
- Guangzhou Liss Optical Instrument Microscopes: L-201 - this stand's origins, features, accessories and inclides English manual on this popular student model sold under a variety of brand names. Mar.10
- The excellent Leitz microscopes with black enamel finish - illustrated introduction to the Ortholux, Dialux, Laborlux, Labolux and SM models. Mar.08
- Three stereo microscope models / designs compared - Leica MS5, Meiji EMZ1, Meiji SKC. Apr.07.
- The Leica M420 macroscope - the features of his example of this high quality macroscope are described with examples of images taken with it. Jul.05
- The Leica CME microscope, a personal review - includes discussion of use with the Canon Ixus 400 (S400) Dec.03
- An archaeological dig (Leitz Metallux) Mar.24
- An unusual Leitz microscope May.00
- The Leitz Dialux 1. The poor man's Ortholux? Jan.06
- Diversions with an inverted Leitz Diavert May.21
- Review of the Duo Scope starter kit Jun.20
- A Leitz 'Edinger Apparatus' ca. 1910 - an impressive photomicrography system described and progress on restoration of an example. Apr.02
- A tour round a Leitz Diaplan microscope - aspects of this lesser known model introduced in 1985, and hopes users / readers will come forward to offer access to copies of manuals or brochures. Jan.09
- Leitz Diavert focussing assembly - guidelines on how to correct stiff focusing in this microscope model. Jan.04
- Leitz Orthoplan Universal largefield research microscope May.06
- Bringing an Orthoplan back to health Jun.15
- The Leitz Orthoplan and Ortholux II research microscopes - an illustrated comparison of these two classic microscopes with particular reference to photomicrography options for both models. (Presented as a 20 page downloadable Acrobat® pdf document.) Oct.09
- Ernst Leitz (Wetzlar) Ortholux black enamel microscope - experiences of using an example of this classic microscope. Aug.10
- Leitz black enamel microscope "for the medical profession" - describes and illustrates a late 1940s / early 50s compact but well engineered microscope which sell for modest prices. Dec.11
- Leitz Panphot instruction book Jul.14
- Ernst Leitz Stativ 'A' monocular microscope - 'notes on the refurbishing of a fine design ca. 1910' with some items fixed using materials around the house without requiring engineering facilities. Apr.08
- A compilation of LOMO microscope resources on Micscape - the range of Micscape resources on the LOMO compounds and stereos into a central resource. Oct.07
- Russian LOMO microscopes. Notes on refurbishing and the use of Nye special lubricants Jul.04
- The LOMO Biolam microscope - extensive illustrated overview of this popular stand tracing its development, pros and cons, author's favourite optics, accessories and variants in the range. Sep.06
- Lomo Biolam C1Y4.2 microscope disassembly and servicing Feb.21
- The stereo microscope MBC-10 by LOMO Apr.06
- LOMO MBC-10 light converted to LED May.06
- An appraisal of the LOMO MBS-10 stereo microscope Dec.06
- How was it for you? Cleaning and servicing a 'LOMO' MBR-1 Dec.20
- LOMO & Zeiss Jena pre-DIN objectives Oct.06
- Anatomy of a lesser known LOMO microscope - a Swift badged but apparently LOMO sourced microscope with some distinctive features. Jan.09
- My first LOMO Jun.23
- Measuring microscope MIR-2 Instructions for use Jan.24
- Greetings from Ukraine (buying Russian items) Jan.24
- The Locquin 'Stabifocal' a microscope in 'no man's land' - describes and illustrates this unusual design of microscope. (In Acrobat pdf format.) May.12
- A circa 1984 Parco Meiji phase contrast compound microscope May.06
- The Messter / Berlin 'Universal Bacteria microscope' - a microscope model made by a less well known maker.Feb.12
- Camille Sebastian Nachet - an overview of this famous French maker, and tips for dating Nachet microscopes. Sep.98
- Camille Sebastien Nachet - some examples of this famous microscope makers work Dec.97
- The Newton Microscope Nm1: An expanded evaluation? Nov.13
- Nikon S series microscopes - an illustrated overview of this popular and affordable microscope with notes on what to look for when potentially purchasing. Jul.07
- The Nikon Model S Microscope: Replacing the fine focus spur gear Mar.16
- Embracing an old inverted Nikon microscope. A saga of refurbishment and thought Jan.16
- Repair of the seizing control of a Nikon Eclipse 800 microscope field iris Jul.21
- A tour around the Nikon Eclipse E800 research microscope Mar.24
- A review of the Offord x20 microscope - assesses this good value and useful model. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Mar.12
- My Olympus BHA microscope from eBay - aspects of the repair and usage of an example of this versatile microscope. Sep.05
- The Olympus BHM metallurgical microscope - aspects of this microscope in use. Jan.09
- Searching for the best petrographic microscope: The Olympus BH2 BHSP - Greg McHone (Canada) describes and illustrates his project to build up a high performance model. Feb.10
- Olympus LB objectives test Nov.24
- The Olympus CH2 CHSP polarizing microscope Sep.14
- The last of my Olympus microscopes: an inverted metallurgical instrument Olympus PME from the 1970s - experiences on bringing back into use one of these microscopes. Oct.10
- The Prior school microscope Feb.18
- A Projectina microscope circa. 1960's - an illustrated summary of a renovation project. Mar.03
- Converting a Projectina microscope to LED lighting Mar.18
- The Reichert Zetopan and Neozet microscopes - notes and comparisons - compares the features of the very well documented Zetopan with the rarer but contemporary Neozet. Information on the Neozet is welcomed (e.g. manual, brochures). Sep.12
- My first 'proper' microscope - a Watson stand ca. early 20th century. Apr.00
- A SELSI projection microscope Oct.15
- A personal review of a Smith & Beck microscope ca. 1856 - a model favoured by Carpenter. Apr.05
- A circa 1941 Spencer microscope - an illustrated tour of this still very usable microscope which was previously owned by an amateur diatomist. May.05
- A mid-nineteen-forties Spencer microscope Sep.15
- The Spencer 820 microtome Jan.16
- A WWII vintage AO Spencer metallurgical microscope kit - describes and illustrates this microscope. (In Acrobat pdf format.) May.12
- Between glamour and glory: the Steindorff "Microbe Hunter" - an illustrated history of this 'double-arm microscope with a popular name and a revolutionary design' based on personal experiences and with generous access to the Steindorff archives. Dec.08
- Steindorff Microbe Hunter, an iconic microscope that is a sculpture, a work of art. New interesting facts. Its established presence (with an award) not only in design culture but also in museums. Overall optical performance evaluation by means of Diatom Lab microscope test slides Apr.23
- J Swift & Son Ltd model P polarizing microscope. Notes on its restoration and a personal review - a classic microscope. Apr.04
- Image gallery: The Spencer travelling microscope - an interesting microscope made by this famous American microscope maker. Dec.02
- Comparison of the Swift FM-31 Portable Field Microscope and an FM-31 Clone - assess these two models in different price ranges. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Mar.11
- War and its microscopes - illustrated 'review of the Spencer 60, the Tiyoda MKH and the American Optical set'.
- Microscopical exploration ten. Adapting a vintage Vickers M10a microscope to enable polarised light observations Aug.21
- And I thought the Easter weekend was going to be dull! A Zeiss inverted microscope May.96
- The Vickers M75 microscope - a well engineered microscope from a famous UK maker. Jan.10
- The Vickers Patholette Microscope Dec.01
- The Vickers Patholux Microscope. A brief description and comparison with its related smaller models May18
- Renovating an old relic: A Watson Royal microscope Aug.02
- The Watson 'Mint' Metallurgical microscope. A personal look at a distinguished old member of the microscope family - a fine example of this old but very useable microscope. Mar.03
- The Watson Edinburgh stand H microscope Jul.06
- Watson Microsystem 70, a review - an illustrated review of a binocular phase variant of a model by a famous UK maker just before the company's demise. It is probably one of the best value quality microscopes on the UK used market. Dec.09
- "Wats On" newsletter 1964 - 66 Oct.17
- Watson microscope resources on Micscape - compilation Oct.17
- The story behind my Wild microscopes Nov.20
- Wild M11 compound microscope - an illustrated overview of this popular compact, quality microscope. Jul.09
- Tinkering with an old Wild M12 Jan.24
- The Wild M20 microscope - a look at a quality Swiss instrument from the 1950's Aug.00
- Tweakings. Part1: Aligning the Wild M20's phase condenser etc. - advice and procedures for aligning this popular microscope. Feb.09
- The Wild M20-EB microscope, an overview of a well regarded marque - how it differs to the standard Wild M20. Includes a selection of homemade filter projects. Dec.05
- Dealing with the Wild M20's broken 'gearbox'. Plastic gear problems under the stage Mar.05
- A view into a Wild M20 binocular head: a discussion about its design and somedelamination effects - exploring the construction of the head from this popular stand. Apr.10
- Wild M20 microscope - practical modifications and servicing tips for this classic microscope. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Nov.12
- Wild microscope M20 (part 2) Sep.18
- The Wild M21 polarising microscope and LEDs Oct.06
- Upgrading a Wild M40 Jul.06
- A follow-up on my Wild M40 Dec.20
- Wild stereomicroscopes Nov.14
- Review: Vision Scientific stereo microscope Jun.19
- Carl Zeiss Jena Amplival microscope - illustrated overview of this well built and versatile microscope. Jan.09
- The ultimate upgrade - experiences of using an advanced stand such as the Zeiss ICM 405 research microscope. Feb.07
- Carl Zeiss 'Jenalumar' microscope - features and performance of this infinity corrected transmitted light and epi-fluorescence microscope. Feb.09
- The novitiate’s odyssey episode seven: Bumbling and stumbling into phase contrast, a tour of the aus Jena Laboval 4 and other assorted ramblings - the Laboval with doubled phase ring Phv system. Feb.11
- The Zeiss Jena 'Jenamed' microscope - features and performance of this infinity corrected transmitted light microscope. Mar.09
- Rediscover Lumipan, the superb black enamel Carl Zeiss Jena research microscope Feb.16
- A Unitron inverted metallurgical microscope Feb.19
- The Zeiss Light Section Microscope Dec.22
- The Zeiss Photomicroscope I - detailed illustrated tour and usage observations. Jul.01
- A tour round a Zeiss Photomicroscope III - notes on the Photomicroscope range and views on the pros and cons of using a large research stand cf. a student stand like the LOMO Biolam. Nov.07
- The evolution of my Zeiss Photomicroscope I Mar.18
- Favorite microscopes: the Zeiss Jena Ng Dec.04
- Carl Zeiss Axiostar binocular microscope. A personal review Nov.04
- My own Zeiss Stativ XV Dec.18
- 'The Novitiate’s Odyssey Episode Five - Part 1: The Ethics of Medical Homicide and Mutilation - projects to build up a Zeiss GFL compound and Spencer stereo microscope; includes experiences of buying new objectives. Aug.10
- A little-known accessory to the Zeiss Standard microscopes May18
- Zenith' UK branded Russian microscopes of the 1970s - 1990s. Notes on the range compiled from the data sheets of Technical and Optical Equipment Ltd (London), UK - includes downloadable data sheets for the range. Aug.10
- What Zeiss is it? (WL) Aug.22
- The Zeiss Interference Microscope Jan.23
- The nature lover's friend Zeiss compact binoculars to stero accessory Feb.23
- A scanning electron microscope in the dining room - experiences of running a 1982 SEM in a domestic environment. Sep.08
- Virtual build of a Zeiss WL Oct.16
- Microsurgery (or repairing an old microscope) Dec.16
- Leitz eyepiece revolver Jul.19
- An odd little microscope by Schieck Jul.19
- My "Three Guinea Microscope" copy Aug.19
- Review of the IQCREW inverted microscope Aug.23
- Other - optics, queries, toy, general
- Achromats, fluorites and apochromats? - the differences between them, with four x40 dry objectives compared. Dec.00
- Oil immersion objectives - a useful introduction with thoughts on their pros and cons. Mar.02
- If it looks good it is good: Some thoughts and revelations on the humble eyepiece Mar.01
- The condenser. None too technical thoughts concerning the brightfield condenser - an overview of some condenser designs and discusses their features and limitations. Feb.02
- The binocular head - advice on the setting up and testing of a binocular head to ensure comfortable viewing. May.02
- Aligning binocular heads for easy viewing - selected designs of badly aligned binocular heads may with great care be improved. Mar.03
- High eyepoint oculars and the digicam - how high eyepoint eyepieces can be one route for successful photomicrography using a consumer digicam. Mar.03
- Counting the dots: giving microscopes a 'workout' with diatom test slides - prepared slides of diatom species can be used to check out a microscope's performance. Oct.99
- Test diatoms - what you can expect to see even with modest optics - how to get the best out of a modest microscope when pushed to the limit no matter what the subject. Nov.99
- Micscape Image Gallery: 'Tough test' diatoms for the microscope - two super images of test diatoms taken with an optical microscope pushed close to its limit. Dec.99
- A second look at some well known test diatoms Jul.02
- Notes on resolving diatoms with blue oblique lighting - resolving Amphipleura pellucida with a simple but effective form of lighting. Jun.03
- Image gallery: diatom detailed captured on a Nikon Coolpix 990 - resolving detail in some of the toughest diatom species using this digicam coupled to a Zeiss microscope. Jan.02
- A strange instrument? - can you help identify this unusual optical instrument. Jun.00
- Can you help identify these two unusual microscopes? Aug.00
- A legacy of microscopy for kids - a fascinating look at older toy microscope sets Mar.98
- 'Amerscope' - an older toy projection microscope capable of good results Jul.98
- A complete student microscope set from 1965 Mar.00
- Just add water! A toy kit to cultivate protozoa Apr.01
- A simple design works just fine. A Microset from the 1930s. - a simple but functional microscope set from the pre-WWII era. Feb.02
- The beginner's microscope? - A Greenkat toy microscope from 1950's cf current day ones Sep.02
- The Heine condenser. Part I. Some thoughts concerning a very useful substage accessory - an overview of this clever condenser design and how it operates. Sep.03
- The Heine condenser (part 2). Operational aspects and imagery - the author discusses and illustrates the versatility of this design of condenser. Nov.03
- Collimating low power stereo optics - how a single objective design stereo 'scope with badly aligned eyepiece tubes was brought back into alignment. Feb.04
- So a scratch ruins an objective?? A surprising revelation gleaned from a chance meeting with an abused optic - how much does front element damage deteriorate image quality? Jun.03
- Fungus and delamination in optics. The problem and possible cures Jul.04
- Flatfield imaging. The basics and some personal thoughts Sep.04
- Water objectives. A personal exploration ... all is not what it seems - the pros and cons of these objectives and the relative merits of dipping without a coverslip cf water immersion with coverslip. Oct.04
- Advanced notes on water immersion lenses. Part 1: Introduction Apr.05
- Tube length, coverslips and correction collars Nov.04
- The long working distance objective, a useful aid for pondwater investigations - the versatility of these objectives for aqueous studies. Jan.05
- A case for thin coverslips - how to measure coverslip thickness and why it is an important criteria when using higher NA objectives. Apr.05
- Notes on the trial repair of a microscope objective ca. 1860's - cautious attempts to repair an unusable old objective. Apr.05
- Height measurements under the compound microscope - the theory and application of height measurements. Jun.05
- Notes on using a very low power objective, the Zeiss plan 1x, on a LOMO microscope - the useability of this impressive looking objective on a non-Zeiss stand and the versatility of a very low power. Jun.05
- About magnification and resolution - a reflection on these two important concepts in microscopy and in a wider context. Dec.05
- Infinity optics and the amateur - overview of infinity and fixed tube length microscope stands and comparison of aspects of their design and use. Jul.06
- Comparing two pairs of Zeiss objectives: notes on the effect of delamination - comparison of the performance both visually and for photo-imaging of two pairs of objectives (25x and 40x planapos) one in each pair damaged by delamination. Aug.06
- The fly in the ointment. An Achilles heel in Köhler illumination? - 'a personal exploration into the most commonly installed microscope illumination system'. Sep.06
- Restoring an American Optical Cycloptic stereo microscope. Part 3. A tilt table Apr.07
- Preservation of contrast in the compound microscope (Part 1) - a 'personal perspective concerning errant light: its origins and effects on imagery'. Apr.07
- Preservation of contrast in the compound microscope (Part 2) - conclusion of a 'personal perspective concerning errant light: its origins and effects on imagery'. May.07
- Making one good microscope out of three - how cheap part scopes such as those from American Optical can be used to create a good working microscope. Feb.08
- Optimal output from the Abbe - the use of this condenser and 'a case for bending the rules?' Apr.08
- Diatom Pleurosigma angulatum - a versatile 'demonstration' subject - how this common diatom slide can be used to illustrate some principles of optical microscopy and assess contrast enhancement techniques. Sep.08
Notes on studying and photographing prepared slides of larger subjects on a stereo microscope - the potential benefits of using a stereo rather than compound for such subjects; including polar studies. Nov.08- Tweakings. Part 2: Thoughts about DIY collimation of a compound microscope - practical advice and procedures for checking the collimation of a microscope. Mar.09
- Diatoms and microscopy, a contrasting combination - an illustrated overview on the merits of different techniques for visualising diatom frustule detail, using Klaus Kemp's test slide as an example. Apr.09
- Aligning the Zeiss Photomicroscope's 'headrig' - a step-by-step procedure for restoring alignment in this complex stand. Apr.09
- From brightfield to 'smoke rings'. Part 2. A personal odyssey - aspects of lighting and optics of the microscope. Jul.09
- From brightfield to 'smoke rings'. Part 3. A personal odyssey - aspects of lighting and optics of the microscope. The merits of using diffuse circular oblique lighting. Aug.09
- Apparent sharpness from objectives and eyepieces - practical aspects of this important topic. Dec.09
- The novitiate's odyssey part 3. A few words on creation - engineering project to build a stage, stand and condenser mount for a Zeiss GFL limb and setup external lighting. Jan.10
- Experiments using water immersion objectives - studies of live freshwater organisms such as diatoms using the popular LOMO objectives. Jan.10
- Optical differences between telescopes and microscopes - overview on their differences. (Links to article in Acrobat® pdf format.) Jan.10
- Testing two Olympus "relief phase contrast" objectives on an Olympus inverted microscope. Comparison with Hoffman modulation contrast (and DIC) - comparison of a less well known but intriguing technique with more familiar methods. Jan.10
- Compatibility of microscope components - discusses examples of some components of stands that can be shared. Apr.10
- A wonderful gift for Christmas? - compares the performance of a toy microscope and used student microscope for the same price of $20, showing how superior a good value used microscope can be. Nov.10
- Renovating Zeiss Pol objectives - an illustrated practical guide to servicing these objectives. Nov.10
- Calibrating photo eyepieces on microscopes - Michael Reese Much (USA) shares an illustrated practical guide. Dec.10
- .... you want to build a what? - discusses the general approach to building up a microscope from spare parts. Jan.11
- The novitiate’s odyssey episode six: How not to see double. Collimating the older Spencer Model 20 Series stereomicroscopes - describes and illustrates a step-by-step guide for repairing this stereo microscope. Jan.11
- Examining 120 year old Zeiss apochromats - illustrates the potential problems with the objectives of old microscopes. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Oct.11
- The stereo microscope: 3D imaging. Part I: Introduction and background - starts a new series on this topic, beginning with an historical overview and basic concepts. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Dec.11 Second edition Feb.12
- A most remarkable objective - describes a catadioptric objective made by Newton. Jan.12
- Matching different makes - the modifications required to install Vickers epi objectives onto a Zeiss Photomicroscope. Mar.12
- What price optics? - compares the performance of four objectives using the same diatom subject and which have varying degrees of correction and span a century in date range. Apr.12
- My first microscope (a little nostalgia for the old folks) - experiences of using a Tasco 1200XK toy microscope in 1962 which helped spark his interest in microscopy. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Apr.12
- The stereo microscope. Part 1 - Introduction and background - a new expanded 3rd edition of his review of this important instrument. Jun.12
- The Carl Zeiss Optovar - discusses the design and use of this feature seen on many Zeiss microscopes. Jun.12
- The stereo microscope. Part 2a - Greenough microscopes - continues series on this important instrument. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Jul.12
- The stereo microscope. Part 2b - Greenough microscopes - continues series on this important instrument. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Aug.12
- The stereo microscope. Part 3 - Common main objective stereo microscopes - continues his series on this important instrument. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Sep.12
- The stereo microscope. Part 4 Appendices - The Appendices are a valuable database in their own right on all Zeiss stereo microscope models ever produced to date. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Oct.12
- Stereomicroscopes: Part 1. Understanding Stereoscopic Vision and the Evolution of Stereoscopic Devices (5th Edition) Jan.14
- Stereomicroscopes: Part 2. Understanding Stereoscopic Vision and the Evolution of Stereoscopic Devices (5th Edition) Feb.14
- Stereomicroscopes: Part 3. Introduction to Greenough Stereomicroscopes: Some early makers and 'black' models (5th Edition) Mar.14
- Ten tantalizers: Microscopes that continue to fascinate - presents ten microscopes that have a certain appeal; both successful and unsuccessful models. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Nov.12
- A case for streamlining lighting nomenclature? A personal view - presents a case that annular lighting is a none specific term and could be renamed. Jan.13
- Measuring NA of the microscope objective. Using DIY Cheshire's apertometer Apr.13
- Notes on measuring and comparing the optical performance of two continuous zoom Greenough stereo microscopes. A Meiji EMZ-1 achromatic and Leica S8 APO May.13
- First steps in exploring epi DIC (on a Zeiss Photomicroscope) Jul.13
- Measuring the NA of a microscope condenser using a DIY thick plate glass plate apertometer Jul.13
- Abbe's plate for testing objective aplanatism Aug.13
- LOMO OI-10 darkfield / brightfield condenser Mar.14
- Resolution part 1 - the 4X objectiv Sep.17
- Resolution part 2 - the 10X objective Oct.17
- Resolution part 3 - the 40X objective Nov.17
- Resolution part 4 - the 100X objective Dec.17
- Two odd mid 20th century microscopes for youngsters Sep.18
- Magnification changers and revolvers – A Messter microscope Jan.19
- Between objective and slide - Getting better images from your dry objectives Dec.19
- Variations from oculars Jan.22
- Unknown vintage microscope, identification and assessment Oct.22
- Exploring the Diatom Lab 'Microscope Test Slide in Commemoration of Edmund J. Spitta' with near UV Aug.23
- Microscopical exploration thirty. Old vs new (a brief comparison) - comparing the image quality from two compound and two stereos microscopes of different ages. Mar.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty three. A brief comparison of objectives old and new Jun.24
Go back to category list
Pond life Aug. 03. Now recategorised for ease of use
- Overviews with links to detailed articles
- Pond Life Identification Kit - a simple illustrated guide to some major groups of small and microscopic pond life, with extensive links to Micscape contributors' articles. Dec.00
- Freshwater invertebrates from the Iowa Great Lakes region - An illustrated downloadable booklet with an excellent overview of some typical invertebrate groups found in these lakes and other suitable water bodies. Nov.03
- 'The smallest page on the web' - a suite of pages illustrating some common microscopic aquatic organisms. Sep.98
- A virtual pond dip - a fun page for the beginner to learn about some typical smaller pond critters. Feb.01
- Water flea anatomy - a fun interactive visual guide to this fascinating inhabitant of most ponds.
- Microbe Movie Stars - a new multimedia feature showing high quality animated gifs of attractive microscopic creatures. This month, the rotifers Brachionus and Limnias. May.99
Micscape Pond life articles Click on a category below to view the articles. In each category, general articles are first, then in alphabetical order of genus.
For articles on a specific organism, readers may also wish to try the keyword search, or for a major group use the 'Pond Life Identification Kit'.
General pond life articles Algae - Desmids Algae (other than desmids) Arthropods (jointed limbs e.g.
cyclops, insects, water fleas etc.)Bacteria Bryozoa and Jellyfish Hydra Protists - Diatoms Protists (other than diatoms) Rotifers Water bears (tardigrades) Note: The above categories conveniently catalogue our site articles,
they are not necessarily biological groupings.
- Pond life - general articles
- The Institute for the promotion of the less than one millimetre - a look at aquatic micro-organisms in 3D! Apr.98
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - a drama captured in the world of pond life Mar.96
- Mini - beasts and microscopic plants in a garden pond May.96
- Interesting fauna from a garden pond Jan. 97
- And you thought jabberwocks were weird - some of the fascinating aquatic microscopic organisms that occur and the problems they can give taxonomists.
- Images of pond-life from video Oct.96
- Collecting freshwater life Or how not to! Nov.96
- A stage aquarium for the examination of samples in fluids- an easy to make but very useful stage aquarium for studying pond life etc. Mar.99
- Culturing freshwater organisms - some easy methods for growing cultures. Oct.99
- Spring thaw collecting Mar.00
- Life in the torrent - a fascinating insight into the aquatic moss Fontinalis, and the invertebrate community it supports. Sep.99
- Collecting in the torrent - practical tips on collecting from fast flowing streams. Oct.99
- Microscopic feeders Or why you should preserve your pond sample quickly! Mar.97
- Microscopic Life A few tips for your viewing pleasure Mar.97
- Microscopy adventures in a public park - the delights of pond dipping. Jan.02
- Life in a drop of water Just how much is there in a single drop Jun.97
- Video gallery new series for '99. Share your video clips with us. This month the beating cilia of a protozoan. Jan.99
- Getting micro-organisms in focus, using 'mouse-over' images with different optical sections Mar.01
- Image gallery: Montage of freshwater life photographed using dark-field illumination Apr.01
- Things that don't belong where they are - jellyfish, 'shrimps' and sponges only occur in the sea - or do they? Apr.99
- Micro gastronomy - looking at the feeding preferences of a range of micro-organisms by inspecting the contents of their transparent guts. Sep03
- Epizoics on a mosquito larva Aug.04
- Further notes on the microorganisms of Bitter Lake sinkholes Dec.04
- Life in a tree crotch - a selection of microscopic life that can live in tree pools with examples of these habitats in various tree species. May.05
- Late summer wanderings - some of the microscopic fauna and flora found on a pond dip in a local Missouri park. Aug.05
- A monastery pond - pond dipping finds from this pond at an Eastern Orthodox monastery in Michigan. Dec.05
- A pond in winter Mar.06
- Changes in microscopic pond life Mar.06
Critter farming (or ensuring a supply of protozoa during the fallow season!) Apr.06- The marvels of crustacea May.06
- Cyclops critter farm May.06
- Encystment and excystment excitement (try saying that fast 10 times) May.06
- The aquarium microscope and the micro-aquarium. A perennial source of amusement Apr.07
- Organisms from a temporary pond - images of microscopic pond life found in a Dartmoor pond. Dec.07
- The Granite Lake Reservoir rant - aspects of the fauna of freshwater lakes in the author's local area of Wyoming. Feb.08
- Spring pond dip -a snapshot of life in a back garden pond in northern England. Apr.08
Mud from Miletus - an illustrated essay describing the fauna found in a mud sample from Turkey. Nov.08- Thriving in the rain, extreme limnoterrestial microhabitats - a selection of micro organisms found in temporary habitats created after rain. Jul.09
- Spring pond harvest - Richard Howey (USA) shares an illustrated essay looking at a selection of microscopic fauna and flora. Aug.09
Planaria. The day we invited them for lunch - studies of flatworms in their aquaria, including feeding behaviour. Sep.09- Biofilms - illustrates examples of and discusses aspects of these often overlooked but fascinating micro-communities. Nov.09
- Beyond thediffraction Limit – pond dipping with an electron microscope - explores some of the smaller life forms in a typical pond with a transmission EM. Sep.10
- A return to granite lake - describes the typical freshwater life on a return visit to this amenity. Oct.10
- Monster formation - some variants in the world of micro-organisms. Nov.10
- Introducing children to the micro-life of Fish Lake - experiences of encouraging youngsters to explore freshwater life. Jan.12
- Collecting plankton in the Fall - describes and illustrates a selection of freshwater organisms that can be found in aquatic habitats even in built-up areas. Feb.13
- 'Freshwater Biology' by Ward and Whipple (published 1918) Nov.13
- Moderate extremophiles May.14
- Winter is for microscopy Apr.15
- Spring and summer collecting: A repeat visit Jun.16
- Exploring an Australian microbial world: Freshwater green algae in the Albert Park Lake Nov.16
- Pond life Mar.17
- A gallery of drawings of protists and algae from Australian habitats Apr.17
- Protozoa bio-diversity of Normans Lagoon - an inland billabong in Australia May.17
- Protists of the Top Cut Lake, Eldorado, Victoria, Australia Jun.17
- Marshes, ghosts and flying clams: A microscopist's alpine adventure Feb.18
- Pond scum under the microscope Jul.19
- Investigating a cloudy issue Oct.19
- Bucket cultures with some attention to gastrotrichs Nov.19
- Surprise in an old sample Sep.20
- My (ongoing) balcony experiment Mar.21
- Ugh!... Sep.21
- Microorganisms: The foundation of aquatic ecosystems in a Northwest U.S. city's parks: A snapshot of the invisible world. Part 1: Introduction, location and methods and materials Sep.21
- Microorganisms: The foundation of aquatic ecosystems in a Northwest U.S. city's parks: A snapshot of the invisible world. Part 2: Introduction, location and methods and materials Oct.21
- Microorganisms: The foundation of aquatic ecosystems in a Northwest U.S. city's parks: A snapshot of the invisible world. Part 3: Freshwater results Nov.21
- Climate change and aquatic collecting May.22
- Microscopical exploration fifteen. A look at plant pot permeate fluid May.22
- A natural freshwater aquarium May.22
- Winter and microscopy Jul.22
- Observations in Nature - a year in the life of Spring Creek Oct.22
- Observations in Nature - a year in the life of Spring Creek, November Nov.22
- Observations in nature - ayear in the life of Spring Creek, December Dec.22
- That brown foam Dec.22
- Ice fishing Mar.23
- Nuclear powered plankton Apr.23
- Farewell pools May.23
- DIY pond habitat Aug.23
- Plankton net in a small pond Dec.23
- Go back to pond life categories
- Algae (desmids)
- What are desmids? Aug.96
- Gallery of desmids Jan.01
- Institute for the promotion of the less than one millimetre - Desmids in 3D Nov.98
- Observations on the Desmidiaceae adding Indian ink to observe the mucilage Apr.96
- Desmids (algae) under polarised light May.96
- Notes on the movements of desmids Sep.97
- Stars of the Marshes - Algae from a Dutch fen, with superb pen and ink drawings Aug.97
- Early Illustrations of Desmids Drawings of algae dated 1786 Jun.97
- The desmids of Thursley Common, UK Apr.98
- Desmids and other algae: primary producers in the food chain May.98
- More on desmid eaters - a look at a rotifer and protozoa which eat these algae. Jun.98
- Desmid eaters. Desmids in the food web Jul.04
- Desmids multiplying by dividing - a look at how these beautiful algae reproduce. Oct.98
- Desmids that form filaments Sep.01
- Desmids that form filaments: Part 2 Oct.01
- Desmids, conjugating algae Feb.03
- Video gallery: Time-lapse of crystal motion in the desmid Closterium - intriguing animations of the crystals found in the cell tips of this desmid. Feb.01
- Two Rare British desmids Closterium nematodes var. proboscideum and Cosmarium praegrande Nov.95
- A desmid form new to the British Flora Cosmarium tetrachondrum Lundell, forma Apr.97
- On the desmid new to Britain Cosmarium tetrachondrum Lundell, forma; further notes on the article above May.97
- The desmid Cosmarium reniforme Jul.02
- Notes on the desmid Euastrum crassum Feb.98
- Optical and SEM examination of some species of the desmid genus Euastrum Jan.98
- A view of the desmid Euastrum spinulosum - the importance of three dimensional studies. Mar.01
- A desmid of the genus Euastrum; rare in Britain - a rare desmid, Euastrum verrucosum var. planktonicum, illustrated on a 1904 book plate can still be found in the same Scottish Loch. Feb.01
- Some Notes on the Desmid Genicularia Aug.97
- Image gallery: The desmid genus Micrasterias - a selection of species from this attractive group of algae. Apr.02
- Image gallery: the desmid Micrasterias truncata Apr.99
- Desmids of the genus Micrasterias from Australia's tropical north - a selection of species from this attractive group of algae. Nov.03
- Rare desmids from Scotland Penium spirostriolatum var. amplificatum, Pleurotaenium tridentulum var. tridentulum, Pleurotaenium nodosum var. borgei, Desmidium pseudostreptonema Sep.96
- Image gallery, a desmid from South Africa - the attractive desmid Pleurotaenium ovatum. Jun.00
- Images of desmids from the genus Scenedesmus Oct.05
- Image gallery: The desmid genus Spirotaenia Aug.02
- A rare form of a beautiful desmid Staurastrum brasiliense var. lundellii Jun.96
- An uncommon British desmid Staurastrum monticulosum var. monticulosum Nov.97
- Desmid image gallery Staurastrum tohopekaligense var. trifurcatum Oct.02
- Image of the month - zygospore of the desmid Staurodesmus Nov.97
- The 'handsomest' desmid - the attractive desmid species Xanthidium armatum var. cervicorne. Mar.04
- Micro star gazing - striking imagery of some species of desmids that resemble stars. Mar.10
- Back to the future. Part 1. Volvox Jul.14
- The desmid Micrasterias rotata May.15
- Reflections on studying Spirogyra - a classic school biology subject and plenty of interest for the hobbyist - aspects to study of this algae including images taken using a commercial replica of a Van Leeuwenhoek microscope and autofluorescence using normal transmitted darkfield and cheap filters. Feb.16
- Go back to pond life categories
- Algae (other than desmids)
- Some observations on a freshwater algae Oct.00
- Some Observations on Freshwater Algae Jan.96
- Freshwater algae course A residential course. Nov.96
- Algae identification A case of mis-identification - a cautionary tale! Apr.97
- Algae from a temporary pond Nov.07
- Slipping and sliding. Bacillaria paxillifer - an illustrated artice on this distinctive and attractive diatom; includes video footage. Sep.05
- Batrachospermum - an illustrated look at an attractive algae found in streams. May.99
- Gonium pectorale. A Chlorophyte - an illustrated overview of this attractive algae. Mar.03
- Haematococcus - an attractive algae commonly found in bird baths which can colour the bottom deposit and water red. Jan.99
- Image of the month Algae (Haematococcus) and protozoa (Tetrahymena) Sep.96
- The water net, Hydrodictyon - a beautiful now a pest in some areas of the world. Dec.98
- UFO: unidentified floating object - the fascinating algae Oedogonium. Sep.99
- Nostoc: A brief look at the simplest of alga Oct.01
- The mucus belts of the Oscillatoria Sep.02
- Pediastrum - the little star in the pond Sep.01
- Autocolony formation. Asexual reproduction in Pediastrum Feb.03
- Spirogyra- an easy to find 'classic' algae. A beautifully illustrated article showing reproduction by conjugation. Jan.99
- Green algae from a garden pond: Tetrabaena socialis - aspects of its reproduction. Jan.06
- Volvox - the jewel of the pond Dec.97
- Volvox, one of the seven wonders of the micro-world Dec.03
- Zygnema - an illustrated look at an attractive filamentous algae which is easy to find. Jun.99
- Winter is for microscopy II. Multicellular algae Jul.15
- The land of the pink snow Aug.20
- Somealgae and diatoms from a peat bog lake in western Washington state Jul.23
- Sexualreproduction of freshwater algae Jul.23
- Go back to pond life categories
- Arthropods (jointed limbs)
- Microscopic freshwater crustacea - a superbly illustrated look at some common types of crustacea. Sep.99
- Cyclops - the one-eyed pond organism Apr.96
- Image of the month - Midge larvae Sep.97
- Daphnia collecting techniques and discoveries Oct.01
- Daphnia collecting techniques and discoveries: Part II Nov. 01
- Daphnia collecting techniques and discoveries Part III - a simple plankton net design useful for collecting, illustrated with some water flea species. Jan.02
- Daphnia collecting techniques and discoveries Part IV - homemade collecting and filtering equipment for studying water fleas and other larger plankton. Feb.02
- Water fleas - one of the easiest creatures to find in a pond, but one of the most fascinating. Jun.99
- Spiny waterflea (Bythotrephes cederstroemi) - obtained from a water sample from Lake Michigan. Oct.05
- Random collecting - a fortuitous catch in a plankton sample from Lake Superior; the fascinating water flea Holopedium gibberum. Nov.05
- The giant water flea Leptodora kindtii Jul.99
- The hunt for Leptodora - studies of this attractive large waterflea and how it can be photographed. Aug.10
- Life in the Mississippi - a report on a boat trip to take plankton samples in this river and finds the exotic water flea Daphnia lumholtzi. Jan.04
- Macrothricidae: Ilyocryptus sordidus - an interesting species of water flea which he collected from the Mississippi River. Sep.04
- Science and art - moulted exoskeletons of daphnia are very attractive. Jul.04
- Water mites - an introduction to this lesser studied group with stunning images. Dec.99
- Tadpole shrimp and fairy shrimp: Two rare British crustaceans but available in all good toyshops Jul.00
- Vorticella vs Rhabdostyla - illustrates how these two protists can be distinguished. Aug.10
- Woodlouse or waterlouse? An interesting pond organism Apr.97
- Leptadora Jun.17
- Invasive alien shrimps! Jan.18
- Daphnia May18
- Living fossils (Triops) on the high mountain plains of Wyoming, USA Jun.22
- Go back to pond life categories
- Bacteria
- Video gallery: 'dance of the Spirochaetes' - phase contrast video studies of these tiny bacteria. May.99
- Looking at bacteria - protocols for culturing and preparing mounts for study of these microorganisms. Dec.06
- Cyanobacteria doing the dance of 3.5 billion years - a video of and observations on motile cyanobacteria from a salt marsh pond. Nov.07
- Spirillum May.17
- Cyanobacteria Jun.18
- Cyanobacteria in my local lake Aug.20
- Spirillum volutans Mar.21
- What is growing in my toilet? Sep.21
- Bryozoa and jellyfish
- Pond fairies - the freshwater bryozoa Plumatella repens Dec.97
- Freshwater jellyfish - Part one; a fascinating look at one of the few freshwater species and its life cycle. Nov.99
- Freshwater jellyfish - Part two; a look at the sexual reproduction of a freshwater species. Dec.99
- Freshwater bryozoans or moss animals - aspects of these attractive organisms. Jul.09
- Photographs of Cristatella mucedo statoblasts - illustrates the resting stages of this beautiful bryozoan and demonstrates the importance of studying live specimens using different lighting techniques. He finds an important feature not described in most modern textbooks. Feb.10
- Hydra
- Hydra Oct.96
- Hydras - fascinating freshwater organisms. Jun.98
- Hydra oligactis - and how it got that way Sep.01
- Video gallery: Hydra - still images and video clips Oct.03
- Protists (diatoms) also see Marine category
- Moller, a Victorian arranger of diatom slides Jun.96
- Do the exquisite patterns on diatoms have a mathematical basis? - Jul.00
- Micscape image gallery - arranged slides of diatoms and holothurian plates. Staggering examples of the art of arranging microscopic objects. Nov.98
- Image gallery: diatom arrangements - the intricate shapes and detail of these silica-shelled algae are a favourite amongst microscopists. Mar.99
- Diatoms in a different light Sep.00
- Further notes on the diatoms of Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Chaves County, New Mexico Oct.06
- Fossil freshwater diatoms from Cherryfield, Maine - illustrated article on the typical species that have been collected from this popular site. Mar.08
- Neophyte seeking cretaceous diatoms - an attractive selection of diatoms from this period. Jul.09
- A lucky break. How past vandalism favoured modern diatom research Jul.14
- A brief survey of the Handbook of Protoctista Jan.15
- The art of the pencil Mar.17
- Protozoa bio-diversity from a large suburban pond in Sydney, Australia Apr.17
- A compilation of useful diatom resources on the Web Apr.19
- Geometry of Odontella aurita Dec.21
- Free living protists Mar.24
- Go back to pond life categories
- Protists (other than diatoms)
- Image gallery: protozoa portraits - a selection of high quality images of protozoa taken with electronic flash. May.99
- Image gallery: Living protozoa portfolio - taken using electronic flash Sep.02
- Some inconspicuous free swimming branching colonies of bi-flagellated freshwater protists May.03
- A protozoan undergoes binary fission - with some unusual help! Apr.98
- A protozoan from Scotland - Bill Ells (UK) seeks readers' help on the identification of a protozoan which he is not familiar with. Jun.03
- Pioneer aquatic microfauna in a treehole - the fascinating species of protozoa found in a treehole, Cancun, Mexico. Oct.04
- Actinophrys, a well known sun animalcule - a beautiful microorganism. Feb.02
- Video gallery: Protozoa Portraits - two video clips ('avi' and gif format) showing the beating cilia of a protozoan and the extending pseudopod of an Amoeba. Jun. 99
- Ruminating on some 'secret' ciliates - illustrated overview of some of the intriguing ciliates that live in the rumen of cattle. Nov.03
- A preliminary look at the ciliates of sinkhole #25, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico - an introduction to some of the ciliates the author found in this fascinating habitat.
- Wild cultures and subcultures Part II: with a small gallery of protists at the end - practical advice on methods for culturing a variety of protists. Dec.06
- How fast is an amoeba? - a summary of an interesting chat Mar.98
- Amoebas are more than just blobs Sep.01
- An interesting amoeba - Naegleria Dec.01
- Testate amoebae, peat bogs and past climates - Jun.03
- Amoeba holiday - an attractively illustrated fantasy based on an amoeba in a winter pond. Jan.10
- Protozoan houses - protozoa who build their own home; how to find and study them. Dec.98
- Voracious soil amoebae - image gallery of amoebae with large appetites - Paul James (UK) shares striking images showing how large and awkward food does not deter some soil amoebae. Feb.05
- Actinobolina being vorax Oct.01
- An observation on protozoa of the genus Amphileptus - three specimens of this protozoa in an unusual configuration; comments welcomed as to what was observed. Dec.00
- Blepharisma (includes video clips) Nov.04
- Image of the month - Carchesium, a study in pen and ink Jun.97
- A comical beastie Coleps - a fascinating but voracious protozoa Apr.97
- The short, happy life of ... the protozoa Colpoda. Sep.00
- Didinium - a master feeder A protozoan with attitude! May.97
- Dileptus at dinnertime Nov.00
- Dessert for Dileptus Apr.01
- An unusual protozoa? - an amateur microscopist seeks help identifying a protozoan. Jan.99
- Further thoughts on an unusual protozoa - Ophrydium; identification of the unusual protozoa query in last month's issue. Feb.99
- 'Tears of a swan' - Lacrymaria olor, the 'giraffe' of the protozoan world! Feb.98
- A microscopic 'Loch Ness monster' Lacrymaria olor with culture protocol. Apr.00
- Paramecium. Dec.95
- How to look at a pair of mecia: Part I I n depth three part series on collecting and studying paramecia May.01
- How to look at a pair of mecia: Part II Jun.01
- How to study a pair of mecia: Part III Jul.01
- Image gallery: Paramecia portfolio - a portfolio of paramecium images taken with black and white film and flash lighting. Apr.02
- Image of the month Paramecium Jun.96
- An exploding paramecium - an intriguing sequence of photos which he captured. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Oct.10
- Image of the month Paramecium with Chlorella Nov.96
- Image of the month - Paramecium by phase contrast and taken with electronic flash. Mar.99
- Podophrya - an interesting ciliate Mar.96
- Pyxicola the 'box dweller' Dec.04
- Spirostomum - a protozoan with the fastest contraction in the micro-world! Oct.98
- Spirostomum's (In) Digestion Aug.01
- The Stentor. Dec.95
- Stentors - aspects of this fascinating microorganism; includes video clips. Jul.07
- Moniliform macronucleus of Stentor - an intriguing form of nucleus exhibited in e.g. the common protozoan Stentor. Jul03
- An annotated key for species of the family Stentoridae and two related families. A tour through the taxonomic maze Nov.04
- Suctoria, ciliates in disguise - a fascinating protozoan with an enormous appetite for other protozoans! Aug.98
- Thecamoeba: The shar-pei of protists - an essay on this fascinating genus of amoeba, illustrated with striking images. Feb.05
- Tillina - canals inside a comma - an intriguing protozoan Dec.01
- Tale of the telotroch - observations of the mobile form of the normally stationary Vorticella. Jan.02
- A day after the rain - the fascinating organism Vorticella. Mar.02
- The reproduction of vorticella - the stages of asexual reproduction which can be observed under the optical microscope. Jun.03
- A vorticella colony - notes and images of this attractive organism. Nov.03
- Colonies of Stentor polymorphus associated with Ramshorn snails - a video with notes showing a Stentor colony on an unusual substrate hitching a ride. Sep.11
- Two marvelously weird ciliates, Blepharisma and Climacostomum - discusses and strikingly illustrates these fascinating organisms. Oct.12
- Some common protozoa: an oxymoron - describes and illustrates some typical species and comments on the recent taxonomic debate on how best to classify this group. Nov.12
- The paramecium enigma. Do one cell organisms have a form of intelligence? Nov.14
- Winter is for microscopy III. Some protozoa Jan.16
- Thenightmare of classifying protozoa (and other protists) Jan.17
- ABlepharisma album: A fascinatingly bizarre protozoan. Or the pink micro-cannibal Feb.19
- Bizarre protozoan (Stentor) disintegration Apr.19
- Test deformation of Arcella catinus Jun.19
- Arcella formosa Jul.19
- This month I will talk about Placocista spinosa Aug.19
- My testate of the month: Pontigulasia Sep.19
- Sphagnum dwelling amoebae Oct.19
- A house for protists. About testate amoebae shells Nov.19
- The bloom (Gloeotrichia) Nov.19
- Heleopera Dec.19
- The riddle of the brick red amoeba Jan.20
- Centropyxis - variants Feb.20
- Lesquereusia Mar.20
- An album of amoebae Mar.20
- Invertebrate houses. A rambling tour. Sketch #1: Protists Apr.23
- Invertebrate houses. A rambling tour. Sketch #1: Protists Jul.23
- Invertebrate Weapons: Part 1: Protists Aug.23
- The cyst in a cyst - Euglypha acanthophora Aug.23
- Freshwater testate amoeba. Miniature wonders of nature Aug.24
- A gallery of the genus Stentor Sep.24
- African trypanosomiasis Sep.24
- Unidentified ciliate from the family Holophyridae Oct.24
- Spirostomum Nov.24
- Litonotus Dec.24
- Go back to pond life categories
- Rotifers
- Rotifers and how to find them Aug.96
- Welcome to the wonderfully weird world of rotifers- an insight into the wonderful variety of the forms and habits of rotifers. Dec.99
- The fascinating world of rotifers - introduction to some common freshwater and marine species. Includes animations. Mar.04
- Rotifer image gallery - stunning images of rotifers and notes. Nov.99
- Trehalose and suspended animation - a simple project to study the amazing recovery of rotifers from their dried cysts which are common in birdbaths. Nov.02
- Jaws! A Micscape Wonder Article - the beautiful and awesome features of a rotifer captured on video Jan.98
- The rotifer jaw - a look at the jaws of the rotifer Brachionus Feb.98
- Image of the month - the rotifer Brachionus rubens Mar.98
- Video gallery - a rotifer sequence - Collotheca sp. Oct.00
- An interactive rotifer Collotheca Nov.00
- Conochilus - a beautiful colonial rotifer found in freshwater. Sep.98
- Floscularia - one more famous marvel of pond life Jul.02
- Image of the month Rotifer Philodina Jul.96
- Birth of a rotifer - Rotaria sp. 'captured' on video stills Dec.9
- A key to the genera of rotifer Bdelloidea. Part 1 - a three part series on the biology and identification of this class of rotifer. Sep.08
- A key to the genera of rotifer Bdelloidea. Part 2 - the key Oct.08
A key to the genera of rotifer Bdelloidea. Part 3 - methods for collecting, isolating and studying these organisms. Nov.08- Video gallery - rotifer feeding Oct.15
- Video gallery 2: Rotifers and a Stentor feeding Mar.16
- Water bears (tardigrades)
- Hunting for 'bears' in the backyard - where to find 'water bears' in the garden. A fascinating aquatic organism and one of the 'toughest' creatures known. May.99
- The incredible water bear - why they are one of the most fascinating but least known microscopic animals. Includes video clips. Jun.00
- A tardigrade from Scotland Hypsibius (Isohypsibius) annulatus Aug.00
- Further observations of a tardigrade from Scotland Sep.00
- Video gallery - Thrilling water bears May.01
- Video gallery: Water bear, a living sweet? Nov.01
- Go back to pond life categories
- Bugs 'n beasties
- A Nightmare on Mic Street Part 1 of mini-series (Root Fillings) Nov.95
- A Nightmare on Mic Street Part 2 of mini-series (Cockroaches) Dec.95
- A Nightmare on Mic Street Part 3 of mini-series (Spiders) Feb.96
- Chat up strategies in the insect and spider world Feb.97
- Dustmites - a tale of lust, love and passion between the sheets A Valentine's day special Feb.97
- Biology and nature
- Diatoms in the dunny Microscopic life in the lavatory cistern! Jan. 97
- Is the human brain just a biological computer? 1997
- Chemicals that cause excitement Pheromones, plus the veromonasal organ - do we have a sixth sense? Feb.97
- Playing Detectives - A closer look at fingerprints and sweaty fingers Aug.97
- Shadows of the evening - an essay on the importance of the daily cycle of night and day for plants and animals - as well as for mankind despite our modern '24 hour lifestyles'. A reflective piece on a wider aspect of nature. Nov.99
- Summer rain - a celebration of rain and its rejuvenating effect on nature's wonders both small and large. Jul.99
- Stellate objects for the microscope - star-shaped subjects for the microscope. Dec.00
- Hunting micro-aliens: The first voyage - explore as a micronaut the frightening world of micro-aliens in a freshwater pond. Feb.01
- Hunting micro-aliens: The second voyage Mar.01
- Hunting micro-aliens: The third and final voyage Apr.01
- 'I-21': Reflections on the fauna and flora of rock wall highways May.01
- What's in a name? - the more curious and humorous Latin names that some critters have been burdened with. Oct.02
- A micro-horoscope for the New Year 2005 - a delightful alternative horoscope with star signs based on microscopic critters and their characteristics. Jan.05
- Strange new worlds - experiments with combinations and derivatives of lighting techniques with some common slide subjects to give 'out of this world' type images. Jan.05
- Strange new worlds. Volume II - a second image gallery of the stranger shapes and forms, often not part of the subject, seen in prepared slides. Jun.05
- van Leeuwenhoek's secret revealed - a fellow native of the Netherlands playfully suggests an aspect that historians have overlooked as to why Leeuwenhoek was able to study microscopic organisms. Jun.05
- Mrs. Malaprop discovers natural history - an essay on how this lady may have tackled the study of nature. Jan.12
- Water flea waltz - a researcher at the 'Max Plankton Institute' presents video footage with audio which clearly demonstrates that some waterfleas of the genus Daphnia can play the piano. Jan.12
- Amateur microscopy
- And I thought the Easter weekend was going to be dull! A Zeiss inverted microscope May.96
- Micscape Mystery Tour A seasonal look back at Micscape articles. Dec. 96
- A sideways look at identifying those 'little beasties' to species Feb. 98
- Microscopy 2000 - a multimedia look at microscopy as it enters the new millennium, with downloadable screensaver of the suite of web pages. Mar.99
- How things have changed - a fascinating look back at the natural history specimen catalogues of the 1890's, but before the times when conservation was really appreciated! Dec.99
- Words, words, words - a humorous but challenging look at scientific jargon. Or why can't scientists write in plain English! May.99
- Guess what's in this jar? - a humorous look at the perils of mislabelling jars but with a serious message. Includes advice for preserving specimens. Sep.99
- Pseudo-microscopes - A personal view on the perils of toy microscopes and other poorly made models. Aug.98
- The microscope, Homo sapiens and sensibility: a rather convoluted personal perspective on how we relate to the microscope and science - views on some wide ranging aspects of the microscope and how we perceive it. Jul03
Reviews - Books and Software
- A Microscopist's Book Collection Feb. 96
- Victorian Values: Life and times of Dr Edwin Lankester by M English Dec. 96
- Book Reviews Building a Micropists's library. Nov.96
- Two seashore and marine plankton guides Oct.96
- Leeuwenhoek Legacy by B Ford Sep.96
- Fundamentals of the Fungi by E Moore-Landecker Aug.96
- Wheaters Interactive Histology CD-ROM Software review Jul.96
- Scientific PhotoMACROgraphy by B Bracegirdle Jul.96
- Exploring with the Microscope by Werner Nachtigall Dec.95
- Biological Microtechnique by Jeremy Sanderson Mar.96
- Notes on Modern Microscope Manufacturers by Brian Bracegirdle Apr 96
- Life at Small Scale - The Behavior of Microbes by David Dusenbery Jul.97
- 'Through a Pocket Lens' by Henry Scherren 1897 - a book review ... a 100 years too late! Dec.97
- 'Five Kingdoms - an Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth' - review of the recent 3rd edition of this popular book May.98
- A little gem - 'The Observer's Guide to Pond Life' by John Clegg - a book that started many on a lifelong interest May.98
- New Microscopy Book: 'Microscopical Mounts and Mounters' by Brian Bracegirdle- a new reference book published by the Quekett Microscopical Club. Oct.98
- Micscape Review: Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club on CD (1868-1992) - an exciting resource covering 125 years of microscopy is now available for purchase. Mar.99
- Book review: 'The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope' - an attractive and informative book for youngsters, but just as useful for enthusiasts of any age starting out in the hobby. Sep.99
- Image gallery: Some favourite plates from Victorian microscopy books - a selection of plates from the older books. Jan.02
- A pocket full of microorganisms - stunning coloured plates from Pritchard's 1845 book 'History of Infusoria, Living and Fossil'. Feb.02
- 'The Life of the Pond': Required reading in microscopy - a classic book written by William Amos in the 1960's. Dec.02
- Book review: 'A field guide to bacteria' by Betsey Dexter Dyer Jan.04
- Book review: Coastal plankton. Photoguide for European seas Feb.06
- Book review: 'Drawing and painting plants' by Christina Brodie Nov.06
- Book review: 'Under the microscope: A brief history of microscopy' by William Croft Nov.06
- Mendel, the man, the work, the legacy - an ilustrated review of Simon Mawer's book, 'Planting the seeds of genetics', published in 2006. Sep.07
- Book review: Ernie Ives (2009), A Guide to Wood Microtomy: Making quality microslides of wood sections, 2nd edition (CD) - a review of this valuable resource. Nov.09
- 'Practical Digital Photomicrography. Photography Through the Microscope for the Life Sciences' by Brian Matsumoto - a review of this new and attractively presented book. Apr.10
- 'Life on the dock' - a book - Michael Konrad (USA) describes his new book on coastal marine life which has just been published in paperback. Nov.11
- Bookreview. 'An introduction to the microscopical study of diatoms.' Robert B. McLaughlin. Edited by John Gustav Delly & Steve Gill - Frithjof Sterrenburg (Netherlands) reviews this recently published free eBook. Feb.13
- 'The Variety of Life: A survey and a celebration of all of the creatures that have ever lived' by Colin Tudge Jul.15
- Book review: 'The Freshwater Microscopist' by Tony Pattinson Oct.15
- Book review: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Master of the Miniscule by Robertson and co-authors Jun.16
- Micscape Book Review. An Introduction to Digital Photomicrography by Brian Matsumoto and Carol Roullard Jul.17
- Micscape book review: "Beyond Extreme Close-Up Photography" by Julian Cremona. Published by The Crowood Press Nov.18
- Book Review: ‘AHistory of Photography with the Light Microscope’ by Brian Bracegirdle. Quekett Microscopical Club, 2010 Mar.20
- Amagical book for Christmas 'Secrets Of Living Close' by Irina Kozorog. Nov.20
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